April 2023 New Moon Solar Eclipse

Wednesday, April 19th
Solar Eclipse
New Moon
in Aries 29°50'
9:12 pm PT
Reclaiming Self-Care as Self-Activism
by Juliet Diaz
“Caring for myself is not self-indulgence, it is self-preservation, and that is an act of political warfare.” — Audre Lorde
In the sign of Aries, this New Moon and solar Eclipse challenge us to dive into matters related to self-activism community care, and building a strong and healthy relationship with ourselves. This Eclipse could illuminate what no longer serves us and has a call to action to take responsibility for the role we play in our own suffering. It’s a powerful time to reclaim ourselves—our true authentic Self—and to stop allowing outside forces to dictate our healing, spiritual growth, joy, and life decisions.
Re-evaluating our relationship with ourselves and building a healthy relationship with our self-care is liberating. It is a fuck you to everything and everyone who has ever made us feel less than, not worthy, or not whole.
With all this cosmic change in the air, now is the time to redefine self-care. Under this New Moon, liberate yourself from the commodification of self-care to advocate for yourself. Commodified healing practices promote colonialist, capitalist systems that are racist, privileged, patriarchal, and that in no way contribute to social justice or our collective spiritual, mental, physical, and emotional wellness. True self-care can be painful, mundane, and not aesthetically pretty. It also involves practical everyday tasks for which we are all responsible.
Self-care could also include setting boundaries with yourself and others, showing up authentically for yourself, or practicing self-honesty and accountability. Self-care can be getting in some meditation time or movement or including healthier foods in your daily meals. But it can also be taking time off when you need to rest and enjoying a piece of cake when you feel like it. You know better than anyone what feels good to you and what does not.
Self-care is a unique journey for each of us; this relationship is unlike any other. It needs time to blossom and grace to evolve and change as our own needs and lives change. Self-care allows us to become our own support system and build a strong relationship with ourselves. We learn how to check ourselves, heal ourselves, and continuously grow spiritually. With the momentum of this fiery Eclipse in Aries, you are ready to cultivate self-awareness and elevate your connection to your intuition, to get you through even the most challenging times. Don’t forget: Even as you become your strongest supporter, outside support is still vital to a self-care practice. Community nourishes.
— Excerpt from the 2023 Many Moons Lunar Planner. To read Juliet Diaz's exclusive, reflection prompts for this Aries New Moon, get your copy of Many Moons 2023. The benefit edition is here. The digital edition is here.
Juliet Diaz is a Bruja, Seer, spiritual and literary activist. She’s an Indigenous Taino Cubana from a long line of curanderos and Brujas. Juliet is a multiple bestseller author; her works include Witchery: Embrace the Witch Within (sold in over nine countries), Plant Witchery, The Altar Within, and decks.
Juliet is also the founder of Spirit Bound Press and Literary Craft Society. She has been featured in major publications like O Magazine, The Atlantic, Wired, People en Español, mindodygreen, and Refinery29, to name a few. Connect with Juliet through her newsletter and via @iamjulietdiaz.