April Theme And Tarotscopes

The theme for April is The Future Is Now.
The more distance you put between the future and the present, the future and yourself, the less likely you are to achieve what you want. The more distance you put between some nebulous future, the more separation you create.
"One day" becomes "never" in the subconscious mind at varying speeds.
Remember all of the things you wanted to do this year? In this life?
Are you doing them?
There is never a perfect—or even convenient, or easy—time to make changes and try different things.
The future is already on its way. Prepare for it by being who you'd most like to be, doing what you'd most like to do, and showing up in a way that enforces confidence, not self-flagellation, as much as you can.
Get honest about your capacity, your fears, and what you need to shift.
Get out of your head and into action.
Zoom out and watch yourself and your progress as if a benevolent, kind universe (or your guides, or your future you) was watching.
—This is an excerpt from the monthly overview from Many Moons. To get your digital copy, go here.
This month, Tarotscopes are only available to our Patrons and our Substack Subscribers. We really appreciate your support over the last 5 years of providing you with free downloads, uploads, musings and inspiration.
The difference between the Patron and the Substack is this.
Patreon members currently get 2 minisodes a month, a monthly Tarot spread, and a monthly gathering.
Substackers get one ask me anything a month, as well as a personal essay.
Not every month will be for our subscribers only, but enough will be so that if you really benefit from receiving them, it makes sense to subscribe or join.