First Quarter Moon

The First Quarter Moon this month is on Friday, February 3rd, in the western astrological sign of Taurus.
"Here we are, turning the corner into eclipse season! Pull back that bow! Reach for the stars! Start those engines! Shed that skin! Hide under that rock!Just kidding— you aren't allowed to hide in the shadows, anymore, darling one. Your gifts, your talents, your opinions, your most authentic self are now ready to take up space in your life, in the most concrete way possible. It is transformation time...
It is time to make desire tangible, to wear the wants as talismans, to inscribe sigils on your nail polish, to hang symbols of this devotion by the bedside table. Change the screensaver on your phone display so that it is a reflection of the future that currently is being co-created by yourself and the universe. Play songs of devotion to the aspirations. Make a purchase or an investment during this time that will resonate and be useful for months and years to come. Give your soul messages that circumstances are changing, starting with your affirming behavior."
—From the Many Moons Workbook, available for purchase here.
I sent out a newsletter today with some suggestions on what to do during this time. Here are a couple of those:
Make it a point to take a 10, 20, 30 minute walk around nature, for 2-5 days in a row—even if just a park, or a nearby foliage-abundant street. Don’t bring your phone. Instead, tune into the nature around you. Do you feel drawn to any plants or trees? Do you need to spend time with this plant? Does it have any messages for you?
Take this time to do an energy inventory: what sucks your energy? WHO sucks your energy? How can this be augmented? What emotions correlate to what? What is a loop, what are some positive energy inducing actions you must practice more consciously?Set an alarm clock on your phone three times a day. Do an energy scan. Is your energy moving around your body or is it trapped somewhere? Do breath work and intention work to move it around. Is your protective aura bubble still up? Do you need to call your energy back again?
Focus on your having, and your having capacity. Is it time for an upgrade? Is it time for a raise, or a promotion? What would that entail? Is it time to cast a spell?
Attend to your beauty: get a manicure/pedicure, invite friends over for a spa night, get your hair done, buy a new clothing item that will remind you of your beauty and self love.
Enjoy these Waxing Moon times! Take care of yourself, take care of one another. Protest, donate, speak out, hold one another tightly.
- Tags: First Quarter Moon