Clear Channels: A Weekend Retreat For Intuitive Creators, Mystic Businesses, and Skeptics With Something To Say

March 1 & 2, 2025

10 am - 4 pm PT*

Are you ready to center your creativity and develop your unique voice in 2025?

Do you see clients, teach classes, or want to grow your own business?

Does the thought of sharing about your work publicly fill you with overwhelm or fear?

Are you open to trusting your intuition but wish you had some structure and support with how to express it?

Have you been dreaming about the kinds of creations you'd like to offer the world or get paid for?

If so, Clear Channels is for you.

This is not another bro-marketing workshop or copy-and-paste business course. This is two transformative days (plus several weeks of guidance!) where you'll learn to share your work in a way that feels authentic and aligned.

At Clear Channels, we focus on what matters most: your natural talents, your unique perspective, and the magic you're here to share. We will help you turn your confusion into clarity and create the number one tool you need: a newsletter.

“I just wanted to tell you how much Clear Channels meant to me. The energy and space you created for us was so beautiful and comforting. I'm a very shy, introverted person, but the groups helped me out of my comfort zone in a way that felt safe and gentle. Creating a newsletter has been a longtime source of dread and anxiety for me. Now I feel like I finally have direction, excitement, AND confidence to actually do it! Thank you so much for creating and sharing this beautiful offering.” - Myra

Day 1: Connection & Clarity

Saturday, March 1 | 10 am - 4 pm PT

This is your day to dream, vision, and remember who you are as a creator. Through guided channeling and intentional exercises, you'll:

- Access your deepest creative wisdom
- Define your unique voice and natural boundaries
- Map your creative landscape and future vision
- Clear creative blocks through shadow work
- Connect with kindred spirits in intimate breakout sessions
- Discover what's actually yours to share

By the afternoon, you'll have clarity on your creative direction and the confidence to move forward.

Day 2: Clear Containers

Sunday, March 2 | 10 am - 4 pm PT

On Day 2 we transform your channeled wisdom into sustainable action. You'll learn the exact strategies that helped Moon Studio grow to 20,000+ email subscribers and 1.5 million podcast downloads—all without social media overwhelm.

You'll leave with:

- Your personalized content calendar
- A sustainable publishing schedule that honors your energy
- Platform-specific strategies for newsletters, podcasts, or blogs
- Systems for maintaining momentum
- At least one month of content ideas
- Your own algorithm that actually works for you

After the Retreat

It doesn’t end on Sunday. Additional live gatherings continue through March, with a 3-week challenge and work groups for accountability. Clear Channels participants will also have exclusive access to an additional Substack workshop at a later date.

Find Clarity, Create Your Art, Share Your Voice, and Connect To Your People

“After being mostly inactive on Instagram since 2021, and after much procrastination, Clear Channels helped me finally muster the courage to launch a newsletter in May 2024. Thanks to the Substack, I was able to share my first collaborative books arts project and sell multiple copies so that the proceeds could be donated. I raised over $3,000 for my family in Gaza from past acquaintances and strangers alike. I highly doubt I would've been able to circulate it had it not been for the newsletter since I'm not present on any other platforms, and even friends with larger followings on IG don't seem to get as much engagement when it comes to fundraisers.”

Leila S.

Why Clear Channels?

There are plenty of business and marketing classes online. What makes Clear Channels different is that it's designed specifically for mystics, intuitives, and non-linear thinkers like you.

Your guide, Sarah Faith Gottesdiener, has built a thriving six-figure business through pure organic growth—no investors, no loans, and no marketing budget. Just authentic connection and clear channels.

Through channeling the messages that were hers to share, Sarah has:

- Built Moon Studio into a sustainable spiritual business for 7+ years
- Created the widely-loved Many Moons planners, which sell all over the world
- Developed a newsletter that regularly sees 70% open rates
- Donated tens of thousands of dollars to values-aligned fundraisers (including $12,000 raised for the Maui fires from a single newsletter)
- Grown the Moonbeaming podcast to 1.5 million+ downloads
- Published The Moon Book, which has been translated in multiple languages
- Generated 60% of Moon Studio’s sales through owned platforms (not social media)
- Managed to not work crazy hours and honor her pace as a chronically-ill creative

If you're ready to build something authentic, sustainable, and just-right-for-you, Clear Channels will show you how.

Bonus Guide: The Clear Channels How-To

In addition to the strategies you’ll learn at Clear Channels, every student also receives a bonus guide full of resources, rituals, and frameworks to get you out of your head and into flow.

In this guide you’ll find detailed breakdowns and comparisons of newsletter platforms, a step-by-step walkthrough for getting started sending a weekly newsletter, and 55+ prompts to help you figure out what to say.

"We have so few examples of how to operate ethically within capitalism, how to stay grounded in ourselves, our priorities, our needs, and our values when the incentives and stories around us seem to push us to undermine these things at every turn. Thank you for being so generous with these teachings and with your own experience as a “possibility model” of staying balanced as a chronically ill person in a precarious world." - Rachel S.

Save Your Seat At Clear Channels:

March 1 & 2, 2025 | 10 am - 4 pm PT

plus a three-week accountability group and an exclusive Substack class with Sarah

"I can't say enough good things about Clear Channels. I have been building creative businesses while juggling side hustles and chronic illness for over 20 years. This was a treasure trove of things I wish I had learned a million years ago, while at the same time very current. Full of information, resources, nuts & bolts of running a business, common sense, big dreams and Sarah's deep respect for the space." - Laurie

*Please note that the teaching/experiential hours will be from 10-2:30 or 3:00 pm pt, with a 30 minute break for lunch. Sarah will stay until 4 pm pt to answer questions from everyone, but you do not have to stay that long. Schedule in 10-2:30 as time to be alert, and ready to go!

Frequently Asked Questions