June 2020 Solstice Solar Eclipse

This New Moon Solar Eclipse lines right up with the Summer Solstice—a time when we celebrate the longest day of the year. This is an important shift in light. Many witches celebrate the Solstice and honor the space it represents: the turning of the wheel of time, the kick off of summer, consciousness, life, and the harbinger of the harvests that traditionally begin in just a few months. This Eclipse could help you choose celebration and enjoyment, even if the face of pain, or shame, or hard times. One way of breaking a cycle of self-abandonment is through loving yourself enough to prioritize pleasure or rest.
This Solar Eclipse may feel like an extreme portal. Some of us could feel wildly invigorated: reunited with our life force, soaking in the rays of the sun, being charged by our next steps. Others of us could be utterly exhausted: zapped, wilted, or contemplative. New Moons rise in the morning: they are daytime Moons, dawn energy, the first stretches into another way. This New Moon might feel downright uncomfortable—our sweetness intermingling with our spikes. Pay attention to your energy and proceed accordingly.
Astrologically, this New Moon is the first of two New Moons in the sign of Cancer. Some of the main themes that correlate with the archetype of Cancer are parenting, love, intuition, home and homecomings, security, water, emotions, money, creativity, femmes and femininity, borders, and boundaries. If any of these themes are coming up for you now, this Solar Eclipse may shift your perspective or relationship towards them.
The last time we had a lunation at this degree was a Full Moon in December of 2018. You may wish to think back on this time, and see what is presently connected now: how far you’ve come, as well as how far you’ve to still travel. This Moon is in the 0 degree of Cancer. 0 degrees are pivotal and critical degrees—they mark change. The Sabian degree of 0 Cancer translates to "On A Ship The Sailors Lower An Old Flag And Raise A New One." This can be a turning point, in either our consciousness or subconscious.
Collectively, we have reached a point of no return: the climate crisis, the violence we are witnessing everywhere, the lack of respect for the sacredness of all forms of life. We can also see all of the uncovering beginning to add up into growth. We still see hope, faint as it sometimes is.
The death of an illusion is a gift.
Allow this Eclipse to clear out any lies that have been keeping you separate from your greatness, your natural intelligence, and your intuition.
This could be a painful process. For some of us, there is a precious wall that must be destroyed. Some sort of breaking down that will require dedication and patience. Staying compassionate and human, and continuing to rise in the direction of your truth, will allow in space through this process.
After giving you all this gentle reader, I’m going to ask you to pause, and possibly forget all of it. Be open to figuring out what this Solstice New Moon Solar Eclipse could mean for you. Many, many cultures do not use astrology in their honoring of the Moon. For many practitioners, this New Moon is actually a Dark Moon: a time for resting, a time for purging, a time to connect with the great howl within. It is a couple of days later, when we can see the crescent, that we celebrate: it could be that on Tuesday or even Wednesday of this coming week is when you will receive information, or step into different energies.
This Solstice Solar Eclipse could simply be a time for simple activities or deep rest. Reorganizing the order of what is given attention to in your days: truth first, joy second, desire third, sensuality fourth—and so on, and so on, and so on, again. Many cultures name Full Moons according to the season, or according to what was around them geographically, or according to their particular rituals. The addition of equating lunar work with astrology only is a relatively recent one. Maybe you take a cue from your ancestors and name this Moon a name that is resonant and relevant.
—Excerpt from the 2020 Many Moons Lunar Planner.
- Tags: New Moon Tarot Spreads