Last Quarter Moon/March 1

March 1st, Last Quarter Moon
"You do not have to be good.
You do not have to walk on your knees
for a hundred miles through the desert, repenting.
You only have to let the soft animal of your body
love what it loves." —Mary Oliver
Hello hello hello!
This is my first blog post since last December! Wow! My two months of internet silence were spent giving workshops in Los Angeles, Michigan, and Oakland, working on various design projects, (including designing a 124 page book), doing a live-giving residency at Have Company, and mailing out hundreds and hundreds of orders of my workbook. I sincerely promise to post several times a month again.
There is a Hebrew word for gratitude, hakarat hatov, which means : "recognizing the good." Never in a million years did I expect for so many strangers to read my words that I wrote, charged with a singular, almost indescribable purpose. Alone on my couch, at my desk. Before my work, then after my jobs. Alone at night while my lover slept, while my friends were out having fun. Just me and the words and the stars and the moon. While the world was having a fun time, dancing, running, eating ceviche, drinking pinot noir, going down youtube channel holes, laughing, crying, I was writing. Channelling really, as I can't remember having ever writing so much at one time in such an easy fashion. Such a main reason for this project to take root was to offer others a resource for this kind of spiritual work. So thank you so much to all those who bought and are enjoying this workbook. And thank you so much to those who criticized it—you were able to offer me a gateway in which to explore my shame around perfectionism, and issues I had about having attention on me, and about doing a project in such a lightning fast way. Thank you thank you thank you, I recognize your good.
And now I have 10 copies of my book left for sale, and it is the 1st day of March, Spring is in the air. The second half of the year begs to be written, and I'm giving a bunch of workshops on the east coast, and in Toronto. You can look at my events page for more information.
In this waning moon period, the encouragement is there to let go of that which is no longer serving you. To release anything hanging around that needs to scram. Tell those lingering dust bunnies to get out, do any rituals or take any actions that support this exit, then take a walk with someone who loves you just the way you are, especially if it is an animal friend, or yourself.
From my 12 Moons Workbook:
"This is a great month for building, for dreaming and for accepting. The dolphin accepts herself. The dahlias accept themselves. There is no self-hatred in nature. Let the tendrils of your desires that you have started working on in January grow into full-fledged stalks! Let your intention take root in the thawing soil."
- Tags: Last Quarter Moon