March Tarotscopes

March Tarotscopes
March will feel weird. Weird doesn’t feel bad: it means unfamiliar, hard to place or describe, hard to get a proper read on. Weirdness often precedes breakthroughs. Maybe it’s because of Eclipse season. Most likely, it’s because as we move into new territories and spaces, we encounter new growth edges and energies and people we haven’t experienced before. Don’t take murkiness as a hard no; stay around long enough for the sediment to settle and new life to float to the surface.
The theme for March is A Little or a Lot.
This month, it’s whatever you want. A little or a lot. Short and sweet, or spicy and long-winded. Whatever you focus on will grow. Whatever your efforts are, they will be amplified. You get to decide. Dip your tow in, or plunge headfirst; it’s your choice.
—Excerpt from the 2024 edition of Many Moons. Pick up a digital copy here, and visit our stockists’ list for any remaining hard copies.
This month, the studio is hosting How To Make A Decision 2.0, and a workshop about eclipses for our patrons.
Some months, your full Tarotscopes will be available to Moon Studio Patrons and Substack subscribers only. We thank you so much for your understanding and your support of this true labor of love over the last 6 years.
7 of Swords
What not everyone knows about you, Aries, is that you are more sensitive than you let on. Sensitive to being ignored and overlooked, and sensitive sensorially. Environments, tones, sounds, and scents all influence you in subtle ways. If you aren’t mindful of the mental and energetic bricks that add up day by day, you’ll eventually be trapped under a pile of (invisible) energetic weight.
Suggested spell ingredients: Phone free days, red light therapy, CBT, Turkey Tail mushroom tinctures, and How To Make A Decision 2.0. Read your full scope over on our Patreon or Substack.
Queen of Wands
What people don’t always understand about you, Taurus, is how generous you are. Generous with your support, understanding, energy, and love. You are the earth, fragrant and green. This is your nature, and nature isn’t always appreciated. At a certain point, it’s ok to stop giving to those who extract. The earth isn’t only luscious rose gardens and rainbow waterfalls. She’s also volcanos, earthquakes, and mudslides.
Suggested spell ingredients: A talismanic new fragrance, green opal, respectful no’s, Overcoming Underearning by Barbara Stanny, and How To Make A Decision 2.0. Read your full scope over on our Patreon or Substack.
The Star
People sometimes mistake your curiosity for superficiality, gentle Gem. You are a connector, and the cross-pollination you facilitate is born from deep place. You, more than most, understand that an ecosystem’s health comes from diversity—this includes more variety, not less. In March, that iconic curiosity of yours must be greater than fear.
Suggested spell ingredients: Faith, selenite, star gazing dates, cucumber water, and How To Make A Decision 2.0. Read your full scope over on our Patreon or Substack.
Queen of Swords
What people don’t always understand about you, Moonchild, is how important it is for you to be understood. You are the one who takes such care to figure out how people feel, and why they feel that way. You are the one who naturally considers the other, the whole group, even when you suspect they wouldn’t think twice about your basic needs. Understanding is the benchmark of care, and care is a deep value of yours.
Suggested spell ingredients: Digital detoxes, snips and cuts, rose quartz under your pillow, neck stretches, and How To Make A Decision 2.0. Read your full scope over on our Patreon or Substack.
What not everyone understands about you, Leo, is how much you see, and how much you decide to choose grace. People think that the sunshine you emit means that somehow, you are immune to the horrors of the world, that you don’t see flaws or understand cruelty. That couldn’t be farther from the truth. The gift you have of clear sightedness is one that allows you to discern what the antidotes might be to suffering. You choose to offer them up to the world, with a passionate warmth and irresistible charm.
Suggested Spell Ingredients: Nature documentaries, time well-invested, sunshine calcite, cuddles with the universe, and How To Make A Decision 2.0. Read your full scope over on our Patreon or Substack.
6 of Pentacles
What not everyone understands about you, Virgo, is that your drive towards constant improvement is deeply spiritual in nature. You are the healer of the hearth, the one who can observe the internal and external at once. Quality is of upmost importance to you, because it is the quality of one thing that determines the outcome of everything. You, more than most, know nature so intimately, and nature is the originator of perfection.
Suggested spell ingredients: Time listening to nature, clear and fair contracts, nettles, additions to the 401(k), and How To Make A Decision 2.0. Read your full scope over on our Patreon or Substack.
9 of Wands
What most folks overlook about you, Libra, is what a G-D powerhouse you are. You who combines different styles and ideologies effortlessly while taking care of all kinds of business. You who plans the meeting, gets the most diverse and cool blend of people to show up, provides the best snacks, and exudes reams of graciousness through it all.
Suggested spell ingredients: Road opener candles, honey, more sleep, professionals, and How To Make A Decision 2.0. Read your full scope over on our Patreon or Substack.
9 of Swords
What most aren’t willing to see about you, Scorpio, is what a genius you are. Better at most things than most people, you also aren’t flashy about it. That’s because you’re humble, but also independent. You do things for the sake of doing them well, learn things for the sake of learning them well, not for status or to show off. You know that a life well-lived is the flex, and that the outcome of your efforts is all the proof you need.
How To Make A Decision 2.0. Read your full scope over on our Patreon or Substack.
3 of Cups
What not everyone gets about you, Sagittarius, is how much appreciation you need. You dish out optimism like it’s nothing, the way you beam out possibility is as natural as breathing, and so, people forget. They forget you might need the same sparkle you emit. Enthusiasm truly takes work, and your work is never done.
Suggested spell ingredients: Yarrow, reishi mushroom tincture, videos of dolphin pods, and How To Make A Decision 2.0. Read your full scope over on our Patreon or Substack.
The World
What people don’t always understand about you, Capricorn, is how important meaning is to you. Prestige and money are cool and all, but what you are truly driven by is authentic legacy, the expression of deeper truths, and the knowledge that you’ve truly created something of value out of your life. A Capricorn with clear meaning is an unstoppable force.
Suggested spell ingredients: Radical acceptance, tigers eye, casseroles, roots, and How To Make A Decision 2.0. Read your full scope over on our Patreon or Substack.
The Magician
One thing people can miss about you, Waterbearer, is that your rebellious nature is actually the drive to ingest the totality of life. You are a philosophical omnivore, pointed towards the many truths you uncover by experience. It’s not that you try to be unique or contrarian on purpose, it’s that this is your most natural operating system. Your intelligence and spirit wouldn’t have it any other way, and all of us benefit from your originality.
Suggested spell ingredients: Risks, a fresh playlist, gold, a new set of colored pencils, and How To Make A Decision 2.0. Read your full scope over on our Patreon or Substack.
Page of Wands
What a lot of people don’t understand about you, Pisces, is that you are a productive powerhouse. Like the most mystical productivity guru not on Youtube, your ability to create really takes off when you are one with the why and the wonder. The catch is, you have to be all in, or at least, intrinsically motivated enough to unlock those superhuman skills. There must be meaning, a sweeping story, a mythology, or even a cute side quest in order to make you move.
Suggested spell ingredients: Carnelian, new seeds, red hot pepper flakes on red candles, orgasms, and How To Make A Decision 2.0. Read your full scope over on our Patreon or Substack.