May New Moon

May New Moon

May New Moon
The following is an excerpt from my Moon Workbook about the New Moon happening tomorrow. Pre-orders for the second half of the year are available here.

This New Moon is happening on 5/6/16 in Taurus, while our sun is also residing in Taurus. This moon is taking place on a Friday, ruled by Venus, the planet that also rules Taurus the Bull. That is a lot of the same energy multiplying and reverberating! There is an emphasis on love, on sensuality, on beauty, and the work that it takes to maintain as well as appreciate it. It makes sense to continue the theme from last month of work, transformation, self-worth, and worthiness. Any spells and work you wish to do around work and your creative skill set will be supported now. What you own, make, and maintain. This moon could be very auspicious for catapulting your hard work into longer range plans, and longer journeys.

Venus and the Moon are really like sisters who help and support one another. Out of all the earth signs, the Moon likes being in Venus the best, with her attention on love and sensuality, the body and right work. Your subconscious and emotions might feel grounded and structured, a pink scaffold standing strongly just for you. (Or if not, you can ask yourself, what can I DO to GET grounded?)  A New Moon in Taurus is a great time to do manifestation work around financial activities, personal possessions, love, health, right work (especially the type of work that involves the body, beauty, and making enjoyable products and providing wonderful service-based experiences for others).

So many times we cannot acknowledge all that we have manifested
because we cannot see it in our own lives. There can be this expectation that magick results in fireworks, huge sparkling cannonballs of luck and extremities that streak over the windowpanes of our lives. But oftentimes, if you examine turns of events more closely, what you see is that magick truly does takes place. We just aren’t viewing it as such.

Our manifestations come to us in the form of opportunities, lessons, doors both closing and opening, in the form of synchronicity, emails, and chance encounters. Sometimes, it is simply whenever something works out. And most of the time, things are working out.

This new moon in Taurus is a truly blessed time to reflect on all that we have in order to draw more of that to us. Taurus is form: it is a vase of wild picked flowers in a mason jar of water, sitting on your windowsill. It is the smile of a new friend across the table of a frequently visited cafe.  I encourage you to take a night by yourself or with friends to do a couple of these suggested exercises to enforce your gratitude and appreciation for all you possess in your world.

Suggested Affirmation: “I am grateful for myself and for my desires. I count my blessings every day. I offer my gratitude for the universe so that it shines down on myself and my loved ones in an endless, abundant loop.”

Happy New Moon Lovelies!
I'm doing a Dark Moon exercise, meditation, and sound bath tonight at the WCCW, at 7:30. $5-$10.

If you are pre-ordering my workbook, you can enter "FREESHIP" at check-out, and you will receive, you guessed it Einstein, free shipping! The first 36 pre-orders get free shipping, as a gift to you.