Our Attachment To Escape

Our Attachment To Escape

Our Attachment to Escape

June 17th: Last Quarter Moon in Pisces, 4:33 PST

The Last Quarter Moon in June falls this year on a Friday. The Moon is in Pisces. In a few days we will be in our deeper Waning Phase, the traditional time of quietude. The waning phase is a good time for lying on the floor listening to records alone; a walk along the river or the creek, the hawks cruising overhead; the night sky above us much inkier, emptier.

Let's think about our need to escape—our attachment and addiction to that. Whether it is too much work, too much phone, too much weed, too much socializing, too many hours watching Netflix, too many glasses of whiskey each week, ignoring humans instead of dealing with them directly, ignoring bills, ignoring health issues, or any other deflecting habit or pattern that stops us from being completely conscious, we all do it, one way or another. At a baseline level, escapism stops us from accepting and loving ourselves. The moment isn't ours anymore, the mind isn't aware. From a magickal perspective, escapism sabotages a spell. There isn't a reality-based strategy there if you are merely looking to get away. We must be intentional and focused in our magical workings. Spell work, energy shifting, manifesting and intention-setting that is derived from cotton-candy fairy tale thought bubbles simply will not be effective.

If any banishing spells are in the queue, think very carefully of your working and wordings of them. It might be useful to get to the place that is under the banishing object. For example "credit card debt" might be too vague. This might ensure you will always have credit card debt to pay off; as it is a double-negative. Maybe instead it is the mindset of frantic overspending you wish to banish, or the delusion that someone else, not yourself, will be paying for your late night internet shopping excursions. You can examine these limiting thought patterns during this time. Think about the root of this. How might you change this in your psyche? What are some creative ways you could start addressing any of your self-sabotaging behaviors?

On the New Moon or Waxing Moon, invite in different mindsets and behaviors around your spending habits. Invite in the amount or more of your credit card debt in a timeframe that is believable and reasonable to your conscious mind. During the Waxing Moon, figure out how much more money you need to save or make to do so. Look at your finances, maybe cut that card up, create a budget. Get a plan in place of how exactly you will this off and stick with it. Think about ways in which you could make extra money. Change your thought patterns from "I am always going to be in debt!" to "I am doing a great job of dealing with and paying off my debts. I feel so relieved and empowered to be finding solutions." When you pay your bills each month, pay them off joyfully, on time, in a relaxed state. (Not in a state of resentment, anger, last-minute hurriedness, or desperation.) In the beginning, it might be hard. It will get easier. The sense of relief will be reward enough. And I use money/debt here, but it could be anything else. Cultivating Joy. Getting more organized. Loving yourself more. Etc.

Turning away from open painful wounds will not close them. The only way to lessen the sting is to address them in glaring honestly- whether we caused the wound, if it is what we chose. There it is. Burning. Yearning. Breaking us, clogging us up from a clear state. In this beyond crazy and at times horrific state in our nation, our globe, it makes total sense to want to melt away, to get beamed up in a saucer miles above the Earth. No one can blame you, sweet one, for not wanting to be here. But the gifts only you can give are what we all need to drink in, the most thirst-quenching water from the deepest well.

If your attachment to things is an escape from loneliness, rethink was to feel more connected. Practice feeling comfortable being alone. Reach out to others in minuscule and grandiose ways.

The Tarot card that corresponds with the astrological sign of Pisces is the Moon card. The Moon card asks us to leave our comfortable surroundings to stretch to a new level. In order to do that, we must each examine our own psyche; this is begging to occur. This card wants us to be planted in the wildness, the weirdness, and sometimes the deep fear and agitation that can occur when we look at the inner workings of our subconscious. This card is a reminder that this too shall pass. We are all in various cycles that we move through and around. However, if we choose to ignore an unhealthy pattern, it will for sure keep coming up, over and over and over again—another crashing wave, another chaotic, energy-sucking verbal duel. The moonlight is the flashlight that keeps shining its rays on that which we can no longer ignore.

What are you escaping from?


An issue or issues I have with escape, delusion, or denial that is coming up for me right now:

What this is blocking me from attaining:

This is adapted from Many Moons 2017 Vol 1. Buy Volume 2 here.