July 2020 New Moon

July 2020 New Moon

July New Moon: Changing Skies, Changing Relationships

This Monday, we greet our July New Moon. This is the first New Moon after an intense Eclipse season, and most of us may be getting our bearings. Our legs might still be wobbly, trying to adapt to this different world that now greets us. We may not trust all our inclinations. There could be a pull to go back, to not trust the different territory we find ourselves traversing.
Give yourself grace. Give yourself space.

Who are you? What do you love? What do you care for? What do you need to protect? Who do you need to let in? Your heart is growing with a rose quartz glow. Move the water inside of you: let it flow. If your life has been disrupted, if you don’t know where to begin, if certain parts of your life seem overwhelming: that is absolutely reasonable. But we don’t meet chaos with complacency. We move energy by remaining vulnerable. We break patterns by trying different ways of relating: to situations, to yourself, to others. Is it time to try it? Maybe you write yourself a different set of guidelines, one based on trust, love, hope, mutual aid, and care.

We control so little in our world—oftentimes, waves swirl around us. We can control how we respond. When the world seems to be crashing down on us, when unexpected events occur, when unfair or painful situations pop up, it can be easy to feel disappointed. It can be easy to look at those challenges as a reason that your dreams aren’t coming true, or that you’ve done something wrong, or that you are on the wrong path.

That simply isn’t the case. What we can do is use really difficult times as a way to connect with love, as a way to evolve. Look to how you are responding to situations and see how this is reinforcing unhelpful patterns. It’s time to shake those patterns off. Are you treating others with the care you crave? Are you being honest with yourself?

Above our heads, the stars spiral around us into different combinations. They are moving, even if they appear static. You are moving too. Just because you feel stuck in some areas doesn’t mean you actually are. It takes time for our external world to catch up to our beliefs and longings. Let yourself open into different pathways. It begins with your relationship to yourself. It begins when we change how we respond.

Conversely, if our lives are gorgeous and sparkly, grounded and sexy, we can lean into more trust of these current sweet winds. Celebrating our successes is an easy way to honor our labor: emotional, mental, physical. This is not the New Moon to shrink our wins. This is not the time to explain compliments away. You made it. You are here. You are alive. If that isn’t a miracle, nothing else can be.

This is also an opportune time to review. We are halfway through this year. Traditionally, New Moons are a blank slate; a time to recharge and rest. Take the time you need to process. Maybe in a couple of days you’ll be refueled and ready to reaffirm exactly what goals, what dreams, your heart is now ready to create.

—Excerpt from the 2020 Many Moons Lunar Planner.

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