February 2021 Tarotscopes

In the second month of this year, the themes of the Hierophant, its teacher card Temperance, and/or your Tarot Card of the Year could begin to be more apparent in your personal life. The Hierophant asks us to focus on the work of our life, our own spiritual practice, and our direct relationship with divinity (among others). Temperance reminds us that we are the alchemizers of our own lives.
Mercury is retrograde all month, highlighting inner communication. February’s themes include dreaming, courting the intangible, protecting our new beginnings, metaphors as life events, reading between the lines, being careful with information (if in doubt, keep it a secret: don’t disclose too early or be too public about certain matters), grief, getting unstuck, engaging with the subconscious, and tuning in.
Integration is happening this month: integrating the dreams we’ve held close to our chests for so long into waking life—integrating philosophies into behaviors, yearnings into systems. To integrate means to become whole, which means embodying acceptance. It is a process of recognizing certain outlying aspects of self and calling them in—letting them gather around the fire. Integration is also about recognizing new goals and purposes. Stillness is required so that we can receive specific whispers making their way across the wind. This process is often arduous and defies language. It can be so incredibly specific that we must keep it private. This can make us feel isolated, not ready to share, not able to relate as we once did: “in process of a spiritual upgrade, be back soon”.
All of this will make February feel markedly weird. Circumstances will require another look or space to settle. Different ways of being require time. Creating new neural pathways can be disorienting. Figuring out what we really need—not just what we were taught—can feel overwhelming. The discomfort of relating to ourselves in healthier ways, with deep compassion, can bring up grief, among other uncomfortable emotions.
This is where we can rely on imagination, play, experimentation, rest, and intuition. Some processes will click, others will not. Some opportunities will be false starts. You will be shown what you need to pay attention to. Patience is required. It is imperative to suspend certain expectations or an over-reliance on outcomes. This month offers up opportunities to reorient ourselves towards that which is essential.
If you feel called to, a few mornings each week, take some deep breaths and tune into the energies of the sky. Feel the earth below you. Notice the water inside of you. Greet the fire that lives in your heart.
The Tarotscopes below were channeled and written by meditating on each archetype and pulling a Tarot card for it. You can read for whatever sign you feel called to: some read for their Sun, rising, Moon, or all three. Please note: If you don’t know if you are allergic to a specific herb or plant, use caution or consult with your herbalist or doctor before ingesting. Never leave a lit candle or flame of any kind unattended.
The Sun, Reversed
No one could ever love you better than you love yourself. Someone might be able to love you more than you think you deserve. Others could offer up sustenance in your love language, absolutely. But those feelings you feel when your favorite playlist is playing as vegetables are being chopped in your kitchen, or when the clouds above look as though you could jump up and take a unicorn nap on them, or when you are staring into a Valentine’s eyes: those are all you. These are physiological sensations you create with your heart and mind. That power is amazing.
No one could ever love you better than you could love yourself. This sentiment is both true and exhausting. Wouldn’t it be easier to accept others’ crumbs as cake? No one would ever know the difference between half-gestures at a self-love practice and the real thing. Except you. And you are far too precious to receive anything less. bell hooks reminds us that love is an action. This month, over and over, you are tasked with the exhausting and precious duty of taking actions aligned with self-love.
Suggested spell ingredients: Date night every night for at least 2 weeks with yourself, naps under the clouds, Hawthorne tea, cake, and time spent in the sunshine listening to “Holy” by Jamila Woods.
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10 of Cups, Reversed
As of late, there’s been a tension between the way you’ve been doing things in order to keep life feeling familiar, and beginning to take risks to honor your intuition’s call. This tension breeds distrust and leads to self-doubt, which coalesces in stagnancy. This is the month you are breaking this pattern. Where are you moving, and why?
You aren’t a hypocrite when you do things that go against your best self’s inclinations: survival behaviors run deep. However, you aren't meant to simply survive. Thriving is what's in store for you.
You aren’t a bad person for delaying a more holistic, contented life in favor of stability and security. This month, you must understand that security isn’t contingent on old formulas created when you were a different person. Sometimes, you confuse your loyalty and attachment to all the hard work you've done that got you where you are by not making overdue changes. The shifts and decisions you now need to make aren’t a betrayal of your past self. New behaviors won’t result in actual loss or precarity. You are now safe to make shifts in service of your soul. Do not avoid the work that brings long term, cosmic rewards for short-term comforts, or ingrained habits. Your heart knows what to do. Start simple and let it feel blessed. Then continue to keep it so.
Suggested spell ingredients: Rose quartz, Rilke’s Book of Hours: Love Poems to God, this Solid Turning to Vapor playlist, heart-to-heart conversations with beloveds, bamboo essences, and dances in nature.
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7 of Wands
Take the deepest breath you’ve taken today. Soften your belly. Now imagine that this month, absolutely anything dynamic, creative, cute, and sparkly could happen. Enticing introductions, sweet moments, and spiritual activations are on the way. Take a moment to daydream about all you’d like to welcome, until a spark or two lands firmly in the core of your body. In February, memorize this sensation and replicate it frequently.
The reason for this suggestion is to keep you grounded and connected to the why of it all during a bumpy month. Because here’s the thing: your February WILL be all over the place. A portion of this month will feel like a rollercoaster for you. Shit will happen. Shifts will happen too. It is up to you to dwell or to pivot with grace.
The larger message of all this is to clear anything blocking you from accessing your spiritual purposes. Some of these blocks are tied up with past survival strategies. Resistance might have been a way to assert a needed boundary in the past, but too much rigidity keeps you gridlocked. Hypervigilance may have protected you before, but now it obstructs the bigger picture. There are huge gifts in taking in a broader landscape. Greet the invitations that appear with a soft belly and an open fist.
Suggested spell ingredients: Garnet, yoga nidra, surrender meditations, adding the color yellow or mustard to your wardrobe or home, and Holy basil essence.
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7 of Cups
The weirdness you will be encountering all month is indicative of a sea-change that’s happening to support your growth. The universe wants you to propagate the roots of some long-dormant dreams while staying emotionally sober. In other words, watch where you get caught up while in the important business of hope-resuscitation. All month long, situations will serve as symbols of what you think you want and what you actually want. Desires born out of desperation, reactivity, or limits are getting cleared away. If you feel like you are being tested, it is because you are.
The 7 of Cups asks us to discern empathy from emotional manipulation and projections from clarity. It wants us to separate the present from the past. Not to assuage familial expectations or our anxiety’s 2 AM prowls. This clarification of the soul is how we align with goals, dreams, and a spiritual practice that is for our deepest self.
This growth is asking for a lot because a vast expanse of healing is available now. February begs you to get real. It also wants you to fantasize like never before. Allow your imagination to go wild while keeping two feet firmly planted in reality. Create stories that end up as lullabies to your future beloved crone, poems to your wildest capabilities, and homages to your inner child.
Suggested spell ingredients: Amethyst, ginger tea, long walks under the Moonlight, an hour spent each morning daydreaming and drawing, and meditations on the color blue.
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Knight of Cups, Reversed
In the book The Alchemist, a merchant admits that one of his dreams was to go to Mecca but he knew he’d never begin the journey. The idea of Mecca kept him alive: if he were to arrive there, he may lose his purpose for living. The promise of fulfillment stopped his movement. Better to stay wrapped in the cloak of fantasy than navigate with the complications of reality. Better to never begin than to eventually come up with another beautiful dream.
This month finds you reassessing goals and dreams—in general, all the things you think you most need to be actualized. Some dreams need refining before you can travel in their direction. You aren’t stuck: you are in the process of re-navigating—similar to when a phone’s GPS needs a minute to get back on course after a turn down a different road.
Get to the bottom of your motivations—some are ego-driven, some are based in the past, and some are the residue of other people’s dreams. Connect to the motivations that reflect your true self back in your life’s mirror. Not everyone else’s motivations are clear in February. Some are definitely not as noble as yours. Ask all the right questions and get receipts. Take time instead of rushing into assumptions, relationships, and contracts.
Suggested spell ingredients: Rosewater, vintage maps, new contracts, pink and blue candles, river rocks, and dried rosemary by your door.
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Ace of Cups
What provides you with assurance? How do you want your love to be utilized in this lifetime? How do you define healing? Do you love yourself without exception? What makes you want to be the best version of yourself?
February brings opportunities that highlight the importance of accepting that you are worthy of unconditional love on a deeper level than ever before. The proof of what love can do will be woven through these weeks. This could happen through experiencing the absence of love or through lack. This could pop-up through noticing that some of the ways you love yourself are still conditional. Compassion delivers us back to places of regeneration and renewal.
When you claim your worth by reclaiming your time, that is self-love. When you no longer take responsibility for cleaning up others’ messes, that is also self-love. When you treat yourself as you'd most like to be treated, even if that makes you unavailable or inconvenient, new contracts are made. Define and name all the ways that love exists: as a practice, in tangible ways, through relationships, and with spirit. Write down what compromises your self-esteem and burn it. Vow to never abandon yourself again.
Suggested spell ingredients: A mini cauldron filled with incense, fresh flowers, amber, a marriage ceremony where you marry yourself, loads of lemon water, and tears of every emotion.
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Page of Cups
February is a month to center sweetness. Savor the moments when everything lines up just right: sunshine puddles gleaming on your floor, the perfect temperature of a mug of tea, a bird gliding past your window right as you look up. A blessing not enjoyed can become a curse. So many of your blessings wish to be counted right now. This will offer renewal in the realms of relationship, creativity, and how you access magic or spirituality.
As of late, there’s been some unease around how you spend your time. There’s also been some overthinking. If you are privileged enough to know children or animals, then you are aware that their experience of time is less fraught than that of an adult human. In the present moment, they are free to explore their needs. They summon magic through play. Before the urgency of productivity and capitalism got embedded in our bones, we understood that we needed these rituals. We knew we needed to talk to trees, fairies, and imaginary friends. What did you love to do for hours when you were a child?
The Page of Cups is the earth of water: what we bring forth when we are in flow, when we are at one with our blessings and not withholding sweetness. Enter this realm and stay there. It may seem counterintuitive to the urgency of your life, or even to your identity, to prioritize simplicity and innocent moments. How we rewrite the past is through the present moment. Play, softness, and wishes easily fulfilled is a reconnection to your intuition, which is where information about your purpose and next steps reside.
Suggested spell ingredients: Augury walks, aquamarine, chamomile tea, visits to bodies of water, and evenings spent playing under candlelight.
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Queen of Wands
What you deny yourself is often a symbol of that which could most break your heart. Going after the fire could also open your heart more than ever. An infusion of joy is on its way to you. Will you let it come in? You've been holding back on instigating a particular pleasure cascade. Why?
There's a part of you that is scared to begin letting yourself embody what you love. You fear that seeing yourself, or your first trial runs, as less than perfect will be far too much to bear. The last thing you ever want is to be embarrassed by doing something you care about so much, so imperfectly. The last thing you want to feel is shame or humiliation that is out of your control, made public, or traceable in some way. So denial becomes the norm until you sometimes even forget about what you even wanted in the first place.
The Queen of Wands is the water of fire. February is a month where you can plunge into that thing you love and enjoy the steam that rolls off the surface. That thing you might have to make compromises around, remain patient for, and let yourself become obsessed with again still exists. Accepting and working with the emotional charges underneath the flames will only make them brighter.
Suggested spell ingredients: Sunflowers, honey, yellow candles, one vulnerable action taken every day for half the month, and one brazen move enacted in the spirit of fire and water.
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The Hanged One, Reversed
For the past while, you’ve existed in a liminal space: betwixt and between, neither here nor there. Part of it has been the pandemic’s influence on your life. It has made belief hard, and motivation harder. Part of it has been that you’ve needed to experience the awakenings and understandings that have come from existing in a state of suspension. And part of it has been waking up from beliefs that keep you on repeat in one aspect of your psyche.
The unknown offered up much. Now, there are other spaces to occupy.
In order to be born, babies must hang upside-down in the womb. It is time to facilitate your own birthing process, with all its discomfort. Decide what you are no longer sacrificing in order to feel safe. Stop waiting for other people’s approval. Stop thinking you need to be different or have obtained some next level in order to step forward. Slough off the restrictions of martyrdom. Shake up your routine. Ask for help. Experiment with different activities, meditations, and recipes, until a steady movement has returned to your days. When in doubt, scream into the void and keep it moving.
Suggested spell ingredients: Church bells, chimes, concrete poetry, your own knot magic ritual to weave truth and courage into your every day, and jadeite.
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Page of Wands
A dying mother called her daughters to her bedside in order to impart counsel. She said: “There is great treasure hidden in the vineyards.” Shortly after, she passed over. Upon her death, the daughters carefully dug up every part of the land. They found no material treasure immediately, but in spring, the vines yielded an extraordinary crop due to all the attention the earth received.
You have the ability to find ideas in unlikely places. Unexpected scenarios will offer up interesting insights. Do not turn down any invitations, especially if they’re weird. Spend time down rabbit holes until something clicks. Invite curiosity into your discomfort. Dialogue with any lack of followthrough that bubbles up. Stay grounded in situations where your integrity is tested; the contrast of what you don’t want will reiterate what you do.
The Page of Wands is earth of fire: the material translation of the spark of spirit. Build an altar to inspiration, dedication, and care to receive the unlikely counsel that flows through.
Suggested spell ingredients: Wreaths made of found branches, peach bud tincture, jumping jacks, sunrises, and selenite.
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The King of Swords
Time has been feeling like fine sand, running through your fingers. Minutes feel squandered, which compounds a lack of motivation. The shame only makes it worse. You aren't the only one who feels this way, this is what capitalism plus a pandemic will do. Please stop the self-blame.
One thing, above all else, needs your awareness this month. Focus on that one thing and wrap your days around it. Sink into the energy and the natural intelligence of it. Be precise, delicate, and deliberate. Pick a cue, a word, or an action to keep you aligned. When your energy gets unfocused, your mind scattered, use these helpers to come back.
Take back your agency by creating new memories. Decide to create one new memory a day through dedication to that one chosen thing. Practice telepathy with your higher self: answers will come through the stillness of a primed ear, combined with a freshly recommitted, different perspective. Enjoy the freedom that accompanies focus. The future starts now.
Suggested spell ingredients: Astral projection, crossword puzzles, sound bowl meditations, green tea, and purple fluorite.
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2 of Wands, Reversed
The theme for you this month is homecomings of all kinds. February will bring opportunities for re-introductions to core needs, more self-acceptance, more non-negotiables, and more safe spaces. It hasn’t always felt comfortable to simply exist in your truth, as your truth. And yet, if you strip away all the false projections—all the ways you tend to cut yourself short—the fact is, this whole time, you’ve always lived as your true self. The question now is: Can your innate existence be joyful? Inhale, and commit yourself to more expression with less judgment. Exhale, and turn the dial of your brightness up. We’ve been waiting for you.
Reconnect with your spiritual purpose through activities that are radically fortifying. Tap into source energy without doubt. Go beyond the traditions you’ve been taught and make up your own. Dream before you think in order to attune to your body’s natural intelligence. Feel before you analyze in order to access your intuition. It isn't about who you are out there, it is about who you are in here. Claim the necessary energetic spaces of refuge so you never doubt your right to wholeness again.
Suggested spell ingredients: Mookaite, a new altar dedicated to being safe to shine, mint tea, a seasonal-calendar of your own traditions and celebrations, and a warm bath before bed with dried lavender sprigs to encourage blissful dreaming.
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- Tags: Tarot Tarotscopes