January 2024 Tarotscopes

Question your thoughts. Choose new beliefs.
Make a list of everything you’ve always wanted to do or experience, but are afraid of, and make that your map.
Turn toward activities that make you stronger, more resilient, and that help you go beyond comfortable complicity and default programs. This is the year to grow through new horizons, different versions of yourself, and new baselines.
Where there was fear, make room for bravery. Where there is doubt, allow in encouragement. Tune in, then attune to different wavelengths, systems, and settings.
The theme for January is Our Hearts. Your heart. My heart. Their heart. Our hearts. The heart is in the center of the body. The heart is the bridge between low and high; it is a tuning fork for our energetic field. Our mental health relies on the health of the heart.
— Excerpt is from the 2024 Many Moons Lunar Planner. Order yours here. Studio shipping resumes January 2nd, 2024!
On January 7th, we kick off 2024 with a deep dive into the year's Tarot card: Strength. If you are ready to learn everything you need to know about this Tarot card and this upcoming year, then sign up for this special workshop—and our additional workshops this January—at a discount: click here!
Below are excerpts from your January Tarotscopes. Starting this month, several times a year, our full Tarotscopes will only be available to our Moon Studio members on Patreon and paid subscribers on Substack. Thank you so much for supporting and respecting our work. It’s been a pleasure to share with you for the last 5+ years!
This month's Tarotscopes were channeled and written by meditating on each archetype and pulling a Tarot card for them. Read for whatever sign you feel called to: your Sun, rising, Moon, or a placement that is particularly loud right now.*
January 2024 Tarotscopes
AriesAce of Wands
2024 marks a new phase of life for you. Since the summer, you’ve felt profound shifts more the once. Fundamentally, your identity is changing: you are rebirthing yourself, based on revelations you’ve uncovered, and what you need to do more of. It all begins with radically changing your self-concept: it’s not too late to bring more of who you are into reality.
Suggested spell ingredients: Rise Oil, binaural beats on repeat, an improv class with the Universe, red candles, and the Your New Year Jumpstart Workshops Bundle.
To read your entire January Tarotscope, become a Moon Studio Patron or a paid subscriber on Substack.
3 of Wands
As this year kicks off, chilly and dark, reignite your fire. It is absolutely time to shift your focus towards spaces that are in different arenas, as parts of your life feel stagnant. Do not see your malaise as a failure. After some recovery time, and some exploration time, your spark will burn brighter than it has in years.
Suggested spell ingredients: Oranges and orange candles, mountaintop views, ashwagandha, gratitude, and a January Jumpstart guaranteed to get your juices flowing.
To read your entire January Tarotscope, become a Moon Studio Patron or a paid subscriber on Substack.
The Fool
This new year will truly feel fresh, Gem, because you received The Fool as your archetype of the month! It takes a lot of bravery to figure it out as you go. It takes a lot of faith to make something from nothing other than a strong impulse. Others may call you delusional, but you know better. Every person who has been accused of foolishness understands that those who lack imagination will see anyone following their inner call as a threat.
Suggested spell ingredients: Biodegradable sparkles, wind river meditations for fresh starts, absurdity, a magical planner, and the Your New Year Jumpstart Workshops Bundle.
To read your entire January Tarotscope, become a Moon Studio Patron or a paid subscriber on Substack.
10 of Swords, RX
January won’t really feel like a new beginning, sweet Moonchild, until you do 2 things: Stop being so cruel to yourself and start making some long-overdue decisions. You tend to be your worst critic out of habit and for a false sense of protection. What we do over and over becomes automatic, and often, it’s easier to stay small and unhappy than to take risks and plunge into the unknown. The negativity then bleeds over into decision paralysis: when we think each step needs to be perfect and final, this creates a lot of contraction. Trade the words purpose and passion for interest and curiosity. Remember: good choices are those that feel good inside your body. You may need to turn the dial of your mind down.
Suggested spell ingredients: Shades of rainbow sherbet, salt water soaks, weekly To-Don’t lists, selenite for clarity, and a copy of the 2024 edition of Many Moons.
To read your entire January Tarotscope, become a Moon Studio Patron or a paid subscriber on Substack.
The Hermit
Somewhere out past the noise of your daily, temporary distractions, lay the deep and wide answers about the larger promises your spirit wishes to fulfill. For the last 18 months, you’ve wanted to be plunged into a greater why, but life’s obligations frequently stood in your way.
Suggested spell ingredients: Carnelian, "Go Your Own Way" by Fleetwood Mac on repeat, the Your New Year Jumpstart Workshops Bundle, June Jordan’s poetry, and wind chimes.
To read your entire January Tarotscope, become a Moon Studio Patron or a paid subscriber on Substack.
The Sun
One of the best parts about you is your ability to see and track everything. Every shadow, every glimmer of sunlight. Every twinge of excitement, every unresolved interpersonal dynamic. It’s a gift you should never take for granted, Virgo: many do not have it. Your soul is your Sun that orbits through sight, song, and seership.
Suggested spell ingredients: Quiet mornings with yourself, flower agate, golden crown energy, exuberance, and the Your New Year Jumpstart Workshops Bundle.
To read your entire January Tarotscope, become a Moon Studio Patron or a paid subscriber on Substack.
3 of Pentacles
As you begin the year, thank all the former versions of yourself that got you here. Wow, were they brave. Wow, did they dig down deep. Damn, weren’t they tenacious? Remind yourself of all your strengths and what you accomplished over the years, in order to start the year off in deep connection to yourself.
Suggested spell ingredients: Fir tip tea, constellations theory, peach moonstone, bags to the donation center, and the Your New Year Jumpstart Workshops Bundle.
To read your entire January Tarotscope, become a Moon Studio Patron or a paid subscriber on Substack.
The High Priestess
If 2023 didn’t have you questioning almost everything about your life, spirituality, and reality itself, January will require consideration of of the above. Take action around updated beliefs and desires that have come as a result of all you’ve faced in 2023. Chances are, the last few years didn’t present you with enough time, energy, or resources to make all of the shifts that have needed to be made.
Suggested spell ingredients: A tourmaline adornment, lotus tea, black and white candles, divination, and the Many Moons 2024 Lunar Planner.
To read your entire January Tarotscope, become a Moon Studio Patron or a paid subscriber on Substack.
The Star
Your purpose isn’t found in what you can do for others. Your purpose isn’t to remain upbeat in times of hardship. Your purpose isn’t necessarily some grandiose quest that is arduous, harrowing, and epic. Right now, your purpose is to decide what your purpose will be for the first quarter of 2024, and stay committed.
Suggested spell ingredients: Telescopes, Many Moons 2024, moon water baths, a Fixed Stars reading, and the Your New Year Jumpstart Workshops Bundle.
To read your entire January Tarotscope, become a Moon Studio Patron or a paid subscriber on Substack.
King of Pentacles
A secret you are learning is that it is ok to want everything: that’s how you get anything. A cheat code you are learning is when you allow yourself to embody the feelings you want most, then your body is a match for more aligned experiences. A deep wisdom you have leaned into is the more you widen your capacity—the more you feel, and the more permission you have to feel it all without avoidance or shame—the more capacity you develop.
Suggested spell ingredients: Greens and browns, rubies, belly breaths, root vegetables, time, and the Your New Year Jumpstart Workshops Bundle.
To read your entire January Tarotscope, become a Moon Studio Patron or a paid subscriber on Substack.
The Empress
In the hustle and bustle of late-stage capitalism, it can be hard to remember all of the agency and power you possess. You might have gotten to where you are now through your above-and-beyond work ethic—and how dedicated you are to a range of worthwhile causes—and have subconsciously associated these with force, with caretaking to an extreme amount. What if you started the year off by feeding yourself first, Waterbearer?
Suggested spell ingredients: Painted eggs, scavenged feathers, rose tea, relaxation, labradorite to connect with your magic, and Many Moons.
To read your entire January Tarotscope, become a Moon Studio Patron or a paid subscriber on Substack.
3 of Cups
Poetic Pisces, the first month of the year is the time to gather with friends and communities you want to braid your being together with for a long time. Vow to reconnect with long-term beloveds, join at least one new community-centered organization, and attempt to make at least one new friend this month. Say yes to all invitations and create some of your own. Not only will this widen your horizons this year, but it will create healing.
Suggested spell ingredients: Star Rose Quartz, forest friend dates, rose hip tonic, Polysecure by Jessica Fern, and Your New Year Jumpstart Workshops Bundle.
To read your entire January Tarotscope, become a Moon Studio Patron or a paid subscriber on Substack.
*Please note: If you don’t know if you are allergic to a specific herb or plant, use caution or consult with your herbalist or doctor before ingesting.
Never leave a lit candle or flame of any kind unattended.
These Tarotscopes are not intended as an alternative to medical or psychiatric health services and should not be interpreted or used as such.
- Tags: Tarotscopes