July 2022 Supermoon

Wednesday, July 13th
Supermoon in Capricorn 21°21’
11:38 am PST
A Devil Moon by Maria Minnis
Look at us, we made it to July! In the Northern Hemisphere, we might be frolicking in the warm rays of the summer sun. In the Southern Hemisphere, we could be delighting in winter’s coziness. Or, we could be dealing with summertime sadness and winter doldrums. Either way, we’ve made it here and that’s something worth acknowledging. Maybe we could turn toward the Moon tonight and thank them—not only because our beloved satellite represents so much for us, but also because they can serve as a reflection of our interior. When we gaze within, we can see what it took for us to make it here today.
Our Full Moon in the sign of Capricorn is a potent time to illuminate where we are right now, gently hold ourselves, and consider the compassionate work involved in removing obstacles in the way of the lives we seek to lead. As 2022 is a Lovers year, we might take advantage of the lessons available from its teacher card: The Devil.
The Devil asks some heavy questions, such as, “What’s in your way?” Card 15 is the gateway to the third line of the Major Arcana, the enlightenment line. It may feel strange that this space opens with a card about power, liberation, sex, desire, addiction, materialism, and shadows. Yet, exploring how these themes show up offers insight into the things that hold power over us: the things that are in the way of enlightenment. Many of the things that wield power over us require a large collective effort to dismantle. This is urgent and critical work. It’s also important to consider what holds power over us individually. Luckily, The Devil arises when we’re already capable of confronting the things we’ve allowed to restrict us.
Ask yourself: What am I beholden to? Which of these things do I actively allow? Which of these things do I passively allow? What devils add flavor to my life? What devils feel stale and expired? What do I want to keep? What do I want to transform? What do I want to release?
The Devil illuminates compassionate liberation, which relates to The Lovers card in several ways, including a discerning focus on choice and our relationships. The Lovers remind us to consider our relationships with ourselves and to choose the lives we want to lead. Then The Devil comes along, encouraging us to confront what’s blocking the power from leading that life vision.
So what’s in your way? Facing our devils can be difficult work, but nobody reaches any sort of enlightenment without getting dirty first. The Devil can come across as a gatekeeper, and they can obscure the fact that we’re the ones with the keys to break free from self-imposed shackles. We have the power. Sure, finding the keys can be a jungle of a time—The Devil lives by no laws and can show up in the strangest places. Sometimes our devils just don’t make sense, and that’s okay. Often, this archetype appears when we’re strong enough to look it in its eyes. With this knowledge, can self-compassion be a light for the Self? The Devil and their fire bring light.
What are the different types and levels of light that we can shine on our perceptions, experiences, and habits? How do mental images change when we explore this? How do the shadows change? Do the shadow puppets dance or languish? It’s in our best interest to look at ourselves and our devils from different angles, to perceive ourselves as more than single-faceted monoliths. There isn’t one specific path to enlightenment, and there never will be. Hallelujah!
We need greater self-reflection in a world full of The Devil’s shadow traits, which include issues such as control through fear, spiritual capitalism, addiction, othering, domination, corruption, and normalized abuse. When we confront our internal devils, we change the ways we go about our lives. And when we change the ways we live, we affect the world around us because we’re a part of it. We limit our magic’s potential when we think that it is all about ourselves. Everything we do ripples near and far, sometimes even beyond our comprehension. When we free ourselves from the shadows over our potential, we increase our capacity to do the same for the people in our relationships and communities. The Lovers card conveys choice, and The Devil addresses power. We can decide how we wield our power every single day of our lives, for better or worse. A better, freer world is possible. Choose to build it.
To read Maria's full essay and her Full Moon Poem Spell, grab your copy of the 2022 Many Moons Lunar Planner or download the July Guide.
Maria Minnis (she/her) is an unapologetically Black and queer writer, designer, and oracle from greater Appalachia. She teaches about everyday magic and holographic thinking, and is the author of the popular blog series, Anti-Racism with the Tarot. Maria has worked with the Tarot for 20 years and considers herself an eternal student of life, and thus the Tarot. You can learn more on her website, mariaminnis.com, and find her on Instagram: @FEMINNIS