June 2022 Full Moon

Tuesday, June 14th 2022
in Sagittarius 23°25’
4:52 am PST
Spell Poem: Full Moon in Sagittarius
by Mimi Tempestt
Growing up, my nana always used to remind me, “La lengua no tiene hueso, pero corta lo más grueso,” meaning: the tongue has no bone, but cuts the thickest. She often said this to me when I was sad and frustrated or when I found myself angry and talking poorly about myself, my siblings, or other family members. My nana, a Pisces, would often listen to me patiently. When she thought I was being too careless with my words, she would redirect me to be responsible about how I spoke. It’s a reminder that I keep with me to this very day.
After our thoughts and intentions, the words we choose to describe ourselves, our world, our communities, our families, friends, and our lives are most essential when we are practicing magic. You can burn all the herbs in the world. Light every candle. Participate with a sister coven. Dance naked under the Moon. Cleanse yourself in every river. If the vibration of your spoken words doesn’t match with your actions, then you are failing to provide yourself with the life you are actively trying to manifest. As a poet, I am privy to understanding and using the power of words. Poetry, although respected for its literary aspect, is equally valued for its capacity to bring life via the tongue. Through my words, I can create an entire universe in a single utterance.
So can you.
For this Supermoon in Sagittarius on Tuesday, June 14th, 2022, let’s think about using poetry to create optimism and faith in our environments. This fiery energy of the centaur gives us the bravado to transform our deep philosophies and beliefs into direct action. The centaur is famously known for aiming upward and shooting its arrow with precision: the best way to embody this energy is to speak into existence the love and the expressions that guide you to your highest & happiest self.
For this month’s Full Moon, I invite you to write a poem in which you travel through time and imagine yourself at the next evolution of your life. Think three months, six months, or even one year from now. How do you look? How do you feel? What activities bring you joy? What have you manifested? What are you working toward? Who is in your environment? Say aloud what you will be in order to become who you want to be. Once the poem is written, recite it multiple times to yourself. With each utterance, get louder and more direct with what you are saying until you can feel it throughout your entire body. Use the bold and assertive Sagittarius energy when speaking your poem.
Or, if writing poetry doesn’t come as naturally as your other gifts, that’s okay! You can use the poem I have written below, “Poem Spell for Empowerment.” This poem is written specifically for this Full Moon in Sagittarius, but you can also use it anytime you need a reset in your intentions or when you simply need to remind yourself of how powerful you are.
You can say this poem as a prayer at your altar or as an affirmation you say before you leave your house. You can also record the poem in your own voice, and listen back to it as you meditate during this Full Moon. The key to this magic is that you express it out loud to affirm and align your words with your action.
Be bold with your voice and brave with your art. Happy Full Moon!
To read Mimi Tempestt's Full Moon in Sagittarius Poem Spell, grab a copy of the Many Moons Lunar Planner or download the June Guide.
Mimi Tempestt (she/they) is a multidisciplinary artist, writer, and daughter of California. She has a MA in Literature from Mills College, and is currently a doctoral student in the Creative/Critical PhD in Literature at UC Santa Cruz. Her first book, the monumental misrememberings, is published with Co-Conspirator Press//The Feminist Center for Creative Work (2020). She was chosen as a finalist in the Creative Nonfiction Prize for Indiana Review in 2020, and is a creative fellow at The Ruby in San Francisco. She was selected for participation in the Lambda Literary Writers Retreat for Emerging LGBTQ Voices & writers in 2021. Her works can be found in Foglifter, Apogee Journal, Interim Poetics, and The Studio Museum in Harlem.