June 2023 Full Moon

Saturday, June 3rd
Full Moon
in Sagittarius 13°18'
8:41 pm PT
Full Moon in Sagittarius: A Bridge Between Worlds by Ehime Ora
Your ancestors remember you. Do you remember them? They have been waiting for this very moment in time. You are the bridge point that exists between the past and the future. An opening of intergenerational wisdom and possibilities lives within you; you are a vessel for the divine to experience itself. This is why you must remember who you are. You symbolize the rebirth of your ancestors, their dreams and hopes residing within your body. You are never apart from them. Your existence is not by chance, but by divine orchestration of your ancestral lineage fighting to escape heavy generational weight. With a lineage that extends to the beginning of time, each of your ancestors approved of your presence. Whether you realize it or not, you exemplify a well of possibilities.
Your healing will free your ancestors, both forward and backward. This is why you must take your time.
Life is as gorgeous as it is filled with poison. We can absorb energy, belief systems, and values from external sources until we become a shallow expression of ourselves—until we lose ourselves completely. This month we will uncover narratives that have been projected onto us, layer by layer. As the month goes by, you’ll feel how much lighter life can be when you release yourself from carrying burdens that weren’t yours to begin with.
When we rely too much on external wisdom, we risk losing ourselves to someone else’s journey. This Full Moon’s glow encourages us to course-correct using the will of the ancestors to return home. When we remember our ancestors, we walk the journey of remembering our most authentic selves. Before you arrived on Earth, you were in the ethers selecting who you would become and the blessings your spirit would receive. Your unique vision and expression are the reasons for your incarnation in this world. Don’t lose this by trying to be everyone but yourself.
Returning to yourself can be more simple than you think. If you remember that you are the vessel for the divine and your ancestors to reside in, then your body becomes the key and your mind the bridge between worlds. More awareness can lead to more authentic choices because you are more present.
This Full Moon gives us permission to sink into the depths of the generational wisdom that resides within our bones. This is the month to actualize self-reflection above all.
A great way to practice awareness and self-reflection is with the power of the written word. Journaling is an incredible way to unwrap yourself from mental webs. Active reflection can fuel your self-expression. Through writing, you are safe in the quiet presence of your ancestors as they gently encourage you to surrender. Between the pages you are safe to go as deep as you’d like; when you feel like you went too far, you can always surface above the ink to safety.
For the next four weeks of June, get closer to yourself using the healing properties of writing. Sit under this Full Moon to recharge and recenter, to meditate on any reflections the moonlight illuminates. By the end of the month, you will unwind yourself from any bondage that hinders you from truly seeing yourself. As you see yourself in your power, you will witness your ancestors even more closely.
— Excerpt from the 2023 Many Moons Lunar Planner. To read Ehime Ora's actualizing self-reflection prompts and writing exercises for this Sagittarius Full Moon, get your copy of Many Moons 2023. The benefit edition is here. The digital edition is here.
Ehime Ora is a Nigerian writer, artist, and priestess of the Ifa & Orisa Tradition. Utilizing mediums of art such as writing, Ehime Ora creates captivating content that heals, elevates, and inspires the soul. Ehime Ora is grounded in her purpose of reconnecting others back to themselves as an educator on African Spirituality and holistic wellness. Through her creations, she facilitates tangible joy within her communities.
ehimeora.com | twitter.com/ehimeora | instagram.com/ehimeora