June Moontra

Happy Full Moon in Sagittarius everyone! This month's full moon is at 9:19 AM PST on Tuesday, June 2nd.
The image and excerpt are for a series of images I create for my dear friend JAHA's monthly moontra newsletter.
This moontra image is all about celebrating and dreaming big. The full moon in Sagittarius asks us to get clarity, make womoonifestos, and figure out our next steps and leaps. Where in the universe do we go next? Now is an important time to think, where do I want to be 6 months from now? Go back to your powers of communication— your voice (whether that is singing, writing, talking it out with a trusted soul, art-making)—to take a few hours, a few days, and a few weeks, to honor your methods of stalwart intention. Dream up up up and away. To get more buoyant, get rid of what is no longer serving you, whether it be material stuff, thoughts, or patterns. This is a great time to let go off any bad habits you might have related to Gemini (nervousness/nerves, distraction in excitement, addiction to electronics/social media) and replace it with a more healthy habit as it pertains to Sagittarius (physical activity, meeting new, positive people, picking a new book to read, a new skill set to learn, or a way to practice or learn different languages).
Learn more about working with the phases of the moon at my workshop June 16th at Otherwild. Sign up here.
- Tags: Full Moon