March 2020 Full Moon Tarotscopes

March Full Moon Tarotscopes: Rooted & Resourced
On Monday, March 9th, we welcome our only Full Moon of the month. The Moon is in the sign of Virgo—tender of the hearth and temple, protector of our own sovereignty—at 19 degrees. Little things become big things; tiny sparks become life-giving warmth over time.
This Full Moon is all about rooting down. For those of us in the Northern Hemisphere, the earth is softer, warming up, and ready for new life to grow. This is a quickening Moon—ripe just before the Equinox, the potential is great here. Daylight saving time just happened; this is a Supermoon urging us to take action in some way. Examine your soil and begin tending to your gardens.
This Full Moon is all about getting resourced. This will look different for everyone. For some, resources are knowledge. For others, resources mean a plan of action. Resources are both material and immaterial. Chances are, we will be focusing on both around this time.
These themes both resonate around the idea of embodied abundance. Abundance needs to feel resourced. In order to feel resourced, we must get grounded and affirm our ability to make choices and take action. The world is in trouble: we mustn't turn away from collective pain or from the environmental crisis. First, we must steady. We must regulate our nervous systems. We might need to ask for help—access to resources is also an embodiment of abundance—then, we can figure out the things we can do. We can protect our immune systems and share this information with others: check out Scarlet Sage’s posts about herbal medicine that helps boost the immune system, register for this webinar for those with chronic illness here, and read Dr. Diana Quinn’s article about building immunity here if you want more support and resources around the coronavirus. Pick a local campaign and/or a presidential candidate to volunteer for in the upcoming US election. Address and work with your fear; this Tara Brach lecture is a great place to start.
Embodied abundance is recognizing how powerful we are. This is absolutely the year where we can make big goals and shifts happen. The potential to go from surviving to thriving is possible for many of us. Let this be a Full Moon where you make magic, where you reach towards your dreams as much as you reach towards one another. May you begin tracing new root systems that will allow you to grow as needed.
Below are Tarotscopes for each sign. I have drawn a card and channelled messages that come forth around each archetype. Feel free to read your Sun/Moon/Rising, or all 3. Some folks read the signs that their other planets, like Mars or Jupiter, are in as well. Take what you’d like and leave the rest.
The suggested spell ingredients are meant to spark inspiration and/or be used in ways unique to you. If you don’t know if you are allergic to a specific herb or plant, use caution, or consult with your herbalist or doctor before ingesting. Never leave a lit candle or flame of any kind unattended.
Tomorrow, March 5th at 12 noon PST Sarah’s Moonbeaming workshop enrollment ends. Sign up here.
Listen to Modern Women’s March 2020 Full Moon Tarotscopes Playlist on Spotify!
If you are a longtime reader and have been helped by Sarah’s work, please support these free offerings here.
King of Wands
As of late, your life has been laden with synchronicities: some have been intense, some have been uncanny—some have been affirmations that all of your efforts are paying off. This is most certainly a Full Moon that wants you to prioritize your passions. Take time to turn the flashes of inspiration you are getting into notes in your phone or your journal. Make lists of ideas that you can come back to later. Romance yourself as much as possible as you continue to pull through for yourself with consistency and humility.
You aren't going back. So don’t even entertain any thing, thought, or person trying to convince you otherwise. New paths are unfolding in front of your eyes, day by day. Keep your vision squarely on the horizon.
Use this Full Moon to let yourself have more. Let the Full Moon light up how incredibly adept you are at making choices from your inner flame. This is a Full Moon time for getting out: for getting out of comfort zones, for getting outside. It’s time to get out on the dance floor, to get out of your own head, and get out of your own way.
Suggested spell ingredients: amber, apple cider vinegar, yellow candles, orange roses, and “Light On” by Maggie Rogers on repeat.
Tomorrow, March 5th at 12 noon PST Sarah’s Moonbeaming workshop enrollment ends. Sign up here.
Listen to Modern Women’s March 2020 Full Moon Tarotscopes Playlist on Spotify!
If you are a longtime reader and have been helped by Sarah’s work, please support these free offerings here.
7 of Cups
This Full Moon highlights a specific stage of your current growth process—the messy part of evolution when we know where we wish to go, but we aren't quite there yet. When we make a decision and we are all in, sometimes the Universe decides to test us by offering us distractions:
- Reasons to doubt our decisions in the form of delays, or rejections, or crickets...
- Opportunities that are exactly the same as the ones we wish to move away from...
- Situations that appear, on a surface level, to be different—so we get a little excited—but the underlying vibration is the same as old ones we’ve outgrown we have to either a) figure out how to exit like Homer-Simpson-into-the-bushes or b) use our powers of discernment before getting sucked back into a loop or pattern that doesn’t work anymore...
Rude, right? Well, sometimes that’s just the way the Universe works. That’s what you are in the middle of, gentle Taurus. No, it isn’t your fault or something you did wrong. You are in an upleveling process. This sometimes looks like a dismantling process—a one step forward, two steps back dance; a time period of trials, tribulations, or just enough pause to make your fears, doubts, and security-seeking impulses bubble up.
Don’t let the superficial seduce you. Sometimes we need to reaffirm what we do not want by letting it pass us by. Saying no thank you makes way for more aligned opportunities. Patience is required, as is faith. Focus on what you can control and what you want. Root into that focus as your anchor. This is about lasting success which for you now requires leaning into the unknown.
Suggested spell ingredients: burdock root, moss agate, “Nobody” by Mitski on repeat, recordings of crickets, and vintage pieces of lace that you hold up to look at the Full Moon through.
Tomorrow, March 5th at 12 noon PST Sarah’s Moonbeaming workshop enrollment ends. Sign up here.
Listen to Modern Women’s March 2020 Full Moon Tarotscopes Playlist on Spotify!
If you are a longtime reader and have been helped by Sarah’s work, please support these free offerings here.
2 of Pentacles
The practice of delayed gratification is a useful skill to have, but that’s not what you need right now, Gemini. Gratification, contentment, and excitement must be companions in your everyday life. For some of you, that will look like lining up fun plans or fascinating travel—giving yourself something to look forward to in the midst of the mundane. However, I suspect for many of you, this is also about giving yourself more of what you need and what you enjoy more frequently.
Now is the time to structure your life around flow and pleasure, and the permission to choose more of each. Part of this process is accepting that you are so multifaceted, so multidimensional, that you’ve got to be given the space to explore these different facets and dimensions. Let yourself have the reassurance that just because you *can* do something, doesn't mean you *have* to do it. What particular facets of your process is this Full Moon lighting up, by way of inspiration or yearning? Spend time there.
Take a chance on yourself: this is a Full Moon that wants you to get out of your rut by shaking up your routines. This Full Moon is reassuring you that as long as you stay nimble and flexible, you can do what you’d like. You can have it all, just not all at the same time, but we can reinterpret time, anyway. Remember that it doesn’t have to be this way over that way—truly, it can be all the ways. See your life as a peacock-colored ouroboros: day feeding into night, dreams morphing into realities.
Suggested spell ingredients: peacock ore, videos of spiders weaving webs, snakes, blue vervain, and Sharon Van Etten’s “Taking Chances” on repeat.
Tomorrow, March 5th at 12 noon PST Sarah’s Moonbeaming workshop enrollment ends. Sign up here.
Listen to Modern Women’s March 2020 Full Moon Tarotscopes Playlist on Spotify!
If you are a longtime reader and have been helped by Sarah’s work, please support these free offerings here.
The Moon
What comes automatically to you, gentle one? Do you discount those gifts because they appear as such an inherent part of you? This is a Full Moon to rebirth some specific wildness within—to wrest it away from self-doubt that has domesticated certain natural qualities you possess.
It can be hard to keep belief burning inside when it feels like you are the only one who believes, when it seems like you are the only one who feels a certain way. It is slightly heartbreaking, because it is true: you *are* the only one who has access to your most hidden gifts. You *are* the only one who can feel certain energies within. Now is the time to trust these.
Creature of the depths, wave walker—this Full Moon is asking you to build altars of devotion. Take a talent inventory: put all your natural gifts and everything you know on paper. Take a desires and wishes inventory: everything that your soul has been delivering lately, like messages in a bottle from the deepest caves of your sea. Blend them together in poetry. Put interesting combinations together on the page. Mix them together in your Full Moon spell. Bring at least one of these into form before the next Full Moon.
Suggested spell ingredients: black candles in silver candlesticks, elderflower and gentian root essence, found oyster shells, Chelsea Wolfe’s “Be All Things” on repeat, time spent working with your favorite lunar goddess/goddexx/god, and black, pink, and white moonstone.
Tomorrow, March 5th at 12 noon PST Sarah’s Moonbeaming workshop enrollment ends. Sign up here.
Listen to Modern Women’s March 2020 Full Moon Tarotscopes Playlist on Spotify!
If you are a longtime reader and have been helped by Sarah’s work, please support these free offerings here.
9 of Wands
There’s a particular sensation of sourness that washes over your life when the great plans you’ve made come true, and end up delivering you an entirely new set of problems. Problems—or challenges, or surprises—when met immediately with resistance or self-blame, can devour all that is here to be celebrated and enjoyed. You’ve got a lot to be proud of, but being your own worst critic is not one of them. The last thing this Full Moon wants is for you to resent yourself for doing the work.
Root down into all you have accomplished so far this year. You’ve given yourself more time to play. You’ve spent more time investing in what you value. Even situations that show you what you don’t want are lessons all the same.
This Full Moon is all about embodying trust: trust the boundaries you’ve been working on naming and enforcing. Trust that the disappointments you’ve been working through are leading you to a clearing made up of clarity. Understand that so much of these strange—and yes, perhaps a little sour—sensations you are experiencing now are forms of essential growth.
Suggested spell ingredients: new perspectives, willow essence, sunstone, nine red tapered candles, sour cherry pie, and “Metal Heart” by Catpower on repeat.
Tomorrow, March 5th at 12 noon PST Sarah’s Moonbeaming workshop enrollment ends. Sign up here.
Listen to Modern Women’s March 2020 Full Moon Tarotscopes Playlist on Spotify!
If you are a longtime reader and have been helped by Sarah’s work, please support these free offerings here.
8 of Swords
This is a time of profound transformation for you, Virgo. You may be in one or more situations around this Full Moon, and throughout the rest of the month, where you feel like you don’t have choices. Or, that the choices you do have are somehow compromised. Somehow, they leave you out of the equation. If that feels like the case, please know you have options. This transformation is about plugging back into yourself after some time away. Your evolution is coming in the form of old wounds resurfacing or other uncomfortable realizations. Make changes and choices in devotion to your energy and sovereignty.
This Full Moon wants you to see what happens when you actually take your own advice. This Full Moon wants you actually understand that the only one who can save you right now is you. And that's a beautiful thing. It is a miracle. You are the most capable, actualized, intuitive, being you know.
Suggested spell ingredients: cord cutting meditations, amethyst, dandelion and burdock root tea, “Jesu, Joy Of Man's Desiring” by Bach on repeat, and the element of air, specifically wind and the winged creatures of air.
Tomorrow, March 5th at 12 noon PST Sarah’s Moonbeaming workshop enrollment ends. Sign up here.
Listen to Modern Women’s March 2020 Full Moon Tarotscopes Playlist on Spotify!
If you are a longtime reader and have been helped by Sarah’s work, please support these free offerings here.
Page of Pentacles
Lovely Libra, this is a Full Moon highlighting opportunities of all kinds for you. Opportunities to trust your worth. Opportunities to turn your values into cash (if that's what you want). Opportunities to turn your natural proclivities into a set of teachings that can help others. (Or at least those in your most intimate circles.)
It is time for embodiments, new structures, schedules, and steps forward. This month’s Full Moon will highlight insights that will help you with all of the above. Take time to listen. Take time to trust.
The likelihood of your desires unfolding right now is contingent on your self-regard. The more you hone in on what abundance really means for you the more it flourishes. See how and when it shows up—where it naturally is, and where you have to work for it. Your body is your pendulum right now. Let the pleasure of acceptance sink into your bones. Determine what your fertilizer will consist of, then nourish and tend to yourself with those ingredients.
Suggested spell ingredients: “Journey in Satchidinanda” by Alice Coltrane on repeat, rooting and grounding exercises, symbolic additions to your garden or your houseplant family, cinnamon, rose of jericho, and green opal.
Tomorrow, March 5th at 12 noon PST Sarah’s Moonbeaming workshop enrollment ends. Sign up here.
Listen to Modern Women’s March 2020 Full Moon Tarotscopes Playlist on Spotify!
If you are a longtime reader and have been helped by Sarah’s work, please support these free offerings here.
4 of Swords
This Full Moon could illuminate pathways to help you find your highest self, far away from the fray of toxic expectations or self-inflicted heartbreak. These roads can be found through rest, through prayer, and through clearing.
Contrary to what you might believe, there’s very little that you have to do right now. To-do lists, due dates, and obligations are a way for you to get caught up in meaningless distractions. Yes, you have a lot on your plate right now: but the ask is to go underneath the tasks into the vibrations and beliefs needed to transform certain mindsets. Tapping into and coming from a place of calm supersedes any other activities. Start there.
You have to be open to actively choosing thoughts and beliefs that affirm you are safe. This Full Moon is all about the exhale. Turn away from running scripts of self-sabotage in the background in order to find the lessons waiting for you from a place of higher ground. You aren’t in a war, so don’t act like you are in one.
You are ready to manifest peace and ease. If you do so, this will present opportunities that will be much better suited to support you. But first, you have to stop fighting. Scorpio, be merciful towards important relationships and towards yourself under the glow of this Full Moon.
Suggested spell ingredients: compassion, oat straw tea, one white candle, optic quartz, “All The Stars” by Kendrick Lamar ft. SZA on repeat, and at least three nights to yourself doing activities that are restorative and meditative.
Tomorrow, March 5th at 12 noon PST Sarah’s Moonbeaming workshop enrollment ends. Sign up here.
Listen to Modern Women’s March 2020 Full Moon Tarotscopes Playlist on Spotify!
If you are a longtime reader and have been helped by Sarah’s work, please support these free offerings here.
The Lovers
This Full Moon is all about connections. Correlations have been coming up, ringing clear like bells. Mirrors that create portals of understanding into your relationships surround you. A drop of grief you’ve held onto later becomes a pool of appreciation you dive into; a bothersome habit of a not-so-favorite person illuminates where you sometimes display those very tendencies around the people you hold dear. Everywhere around you are waterfalls of understanding and inspiration. Look for them. Collaborate with them.
Creativity is only enhanced with vulnerability. This Full Moon wants you to stop separating all the various aspects of yourself: connection and integration are key. Intentional expressions of your uniqueness is your manifesting power. In order to experience more sparks, you must get specific around where you still need to let in intimacy. Use this Full Moon as a portal to help you clearly see into the most electric, loving, future version of yourself. Use this Full Moon to root down into the wildly exciting gardens of your dreams.
Suggested spell ingredients: strawberry seeds, paintbrushes, fresh ink, angel aura quartz, Anthony Hamilton’s “Do You Feel Me” on repeat, and three tea lights put into a triangle that you light before you go to bed: one for your past self, one for your present self, and one for your future self that you send love and forgiveness to.
Tomorrow, March 5th at 12 noon PST Sarah’s Moonbeaming workshop enrollment ends. Sign up here.
Listen to Modern Women’s March 2020 Full Moon Tarotscopes Playlist on Spotify!
If you are a longtime reader and have been helped by Sarah’s work, please support these free offerings here.
The Emperor
This is a Full Moon for getting back to basics. Simplicity is your best friend at this time, while overthinking or over-complicating are your exes. Define the core elements of your current desires. Focus on the basics of your magic: breath, grounding, awareness, and tending the flame. You don’t need to justify your actions to anyone. You do need to put your focus on getting organized and creating systems in the ultimate service of ease.
The best decisions are born out of security and safety. The most aligned actions come from a position of feeling resourced. Feeling resourced comes from trust. Trust, in part, is earned through discipline, as discipline is a type of promise. Make sure your discipline comes from a place of liberation, a love letter to your future self.
You are the architect of your own life. Make decisions and plans from an ancient and wise place. Create more momentum by translating your desires into energy, and your energy into actions.
Suggested spell ingredients: the simplest, most minimal altar you can create that speaks to your core desires, permission slips, time spent breathing to this, and “whisper” by Serpentwithfeet on repeat.
Tomorrow, March 5th at 12 noon PST Sarah’s Moonbeaming workshop enrollment ends. Sign up here.
Listen to Modern Women’s March 2020 Full Moon Tarotscopes Playlist on Spotify!
If you are a longtime reader and have been helped by Sarah’s work, please support these free offerings here.
8 of Pentacles
This Full Moon, and much of this month, will have you focused on making, creating, and doing. You are bringing your intangible dreams into tangible form, but that requires determination. It is time for more alone time. You must spend time alone, away from self-doubt, from self-criticism, and entirely separated from worry. This kind of alone-ness is about investing in yourself fully: be solitary to avoid comparing yourself to others. Compete only with your past projects and efforts. The path you are carving must be yours and yours alone.
This time period finds you busy—the busiest you’ve been yet this year. But being busy isn’t the same as being useful. Be sure to be busy perfecting: your craft, your processes, your magic, your discipline, your health, your rituals, and your work. Anything that distracts you from these needs to get thrown out, composted, or ignored.
Your Full Moon magic will flourish when you devote yourself to yourself. When you embrace healthy solitude and self-work, you will see your somedays become todays. Never forget, water bearer: no one can love you like you love you.
Suggested spell ingredients: hematite, nettles, to-do lists, “What Have You Done For Me Lately?” by Janet Jackson on repeat, solo dates, and determination.
Tomorrow, March 5th at 12 noon PST Sarah’s Moonbeaming workshop enrollment ends. Sign up here.
Listen to Modern Women’s March 2020 Full Moon Tarotscopes Playlist on Spotify!
If you are a longtime reader and have been helped by Sarah’s work, please support these free offerings here.
King of Cups
It is still your season, Pisces, and this is your Full Moon. Technically, it is in your opposite sign of Virgo—but the sun’s reflected rays on her face come from your constellation’s waters. Now, and much of the rest of the month of March, is about your life as art. The art of living—i.e. the way you live and how you live—is ready for reprograms and upgrades. It’s time to ask yourself if your days resemble your fantasies. What are your daydreams? Are you making them material reality? Let yourself swim out to the farthest reaches of your dreams in order to find the truths and details you need.
You are ready for other forms of travel now: this Full Moon wants you to practice your shapeshifting. This is a skill you have naturally. Shapeshifting as protection, shapeshifting as expression; shapeshifting to gain more compassion, to see through another’s eyes. Practice becoming the most loving, most powerful energy, deity, or animal you can imagine. Then see yourself through that loving and powerful creature’s eyes. Take notes. Then use the combination of this guidance, and your innate abilities, to move yourself into other dimensions and directions.
Suggested spell ingredients: salt water in a chalice to hold your Full Moon dreams, emerald essence, an animal guide that comes to you in trance or meditation, Kelela’s “All The Way Down” on repeat, a single votive candle flickering in an open window at night, and brand new, baby blue satin sheets.
Tomorrow, March 5th at 12 noon PST Sarah’s Moonbeaming workshop enrollment ends. Sign up here.
Listen to Modern Women’s March 2020 Full Moon Tarotscopes Playlist on Spotify!
If you are a longtime reader and have been helped by Sarah’s work, please support these free offerings here.
- Tags: Tarot Tarotscopes