November 2021 Partial Lunar Eclipse

Friday, November 19th, 2021
Full Moon in Taurus at 12:58 am PST
Partial Lunar Eclipse 1:03 am PST
Ancestral Repair and Reconciliation
Content warning: this piece mental health, trauma, and suicide.
The Partial Lunar Eclipse takes place in Taurus, early on Friday. The archetype of Taurus correlates to the Hierophant, our collective card of the year. The Hierophant connects us to our ancestors through ancient teachings we receive through various channels. It encourages us to tap into the wisdom already flowing through our veins. This archetype helps us to transmute mystery into practical lessons and tangible formations.
The New Moon piece for this month was an initiation to working with a supportive ancestor or guide. This piece continues that theme. If you aren’t interested in that, there are lots of ways to work with this energy. An Eclipse can be a time to reflect on the past in order to course-correct. Eclipses can facilitate shadow work—this is an opportunity to reconcile or remove any hurdles around worth, the ability to receive love, to humanifest, or to keep the faith. If you feel called to, meditate on the shadow aspects of the Hierophant and how they show up in you. Or, work with the Hierophant’s teacher card, Temperance, also known as Art, to keep you aligned during this potentially rocky time.
Ancestor work could be popular now because the strength, resilience, and wisdom ancestors hold are especially needed in this time of global crisis and upheaval. Our ancestors have survived a lot and have wisdom to share. Many people alive right now are healing ancestral wounds by making different choices. They are breaking away from any harm caused by their ancestry, or the ancestry of abusers. In true Hierophant fashion, they are changing the systems and ideologies that promote hierarchies and harm. This Eclipse can help you continue a clearing process in your personal and collective work.
An infographic from Lyrical Zen states that in order for you to be born, a total of 4,094 ancestors over the past 12 generations were involved. Surely within those thousands of people reside tenderness, magic, innovation, and resilience. You do not have to know the details of your family tree to connect to your ancestors. There are many ways to connect to ancestral energy that require absolutely nothing other than openness, patience, and deep listening.
To read the rest of this Full Moon Partial Lunar Eclipse essay, download the November Guide. To get a copy of the 2022 Many Moons Lunar Planner, click here.