October 2021 Full Moon

Wednesday, October 20th
Full Moon in Aries at 7:57 am PST
Full Moon in Aries: Spell for the Collective
by Corinna Rosella
This month’s Full Moon in Aries is connected to the element of fire, the Self, and The Emperor card. Under the light of this Moon, we are given the permission to step into our power.
However, we cannot fully be autonomous in our identities, and have full agency to advocate for a better tomorrow, without connecting it out towards the collective. This Aries Full Moon reminds us of this, as it happens in Libra season and the Libra/Aries axis is one about “me” vs. “we,” or as I see it, a journey towards healing the self to bring forth collective liberation. It’s about the ways that caring for ourselves, and learning to stand authentically in our power allows our light to spiral outwards and positively affect our communities and the world at large.
This Full Moon is also special because it comes right before the holiday known as Halloween. This holiday is based on many other traditions: Samhain in Pagan traditions, All Saints Day in Western European Christian-based religions, and the Día de Muertos in Mexico. You may have heard the phrase, “the veil is thin,” one in which the real or imagined barriers between this world and the others is liminal, opening us up to connecting to messages from the beyond.
In the spirit of an Aries Full Moon and embodying the “me” and “we” axis of Aries/Libra, I encourage your spell work on this Full Moon to reach past an individual idea of what is healthy and right, and towards a vision of collective liberation. If what you do for yourself for healing is harming the collective in some way—perpetuating white supremacy, sexualized violence, or upholding corporate greed—it isn’t magic, and it won’t heal you nor others.
—Excerpt from the 2021 Many Moons Lunar Planner. Pre-order the 2022 edition by clicking here. Read the rest of this essay, and get access to the exclusive spell, by clicking here. Enroll in Corinna Rosella's Tarot School for Liberation by clicking here.
Corinna Rosella (they/she) is a Tarot reader, astrology enthusiast & herbal medicine maker living beside Joshua Tree National Park. They have been deeply engaged in using Tarot as a tool for healing oneself & channeling the beyond since 2008 (when Pluto went into Capricorn). Corinna has been offering readings infused with astrological insight since 2018, and continues to develop their practice to best suit the needs of clients. They have been working with plants since 2007, when they had their first medicinal herb garden. After volunteering and apprenticing in farms and gardens specializing in biodynamics and herbal medicine in various places in the US and abroad, in 2016 Corinna created her first home garden in Eureka, CA, where she cultivated more than 30 specific of medicinal plants, and started creating rituals and extractions for friends and family in her community. Learn more at www.riseupgoodwitch.com, follow Corinna on Instagram @riseupgoodwitch, and listen to her podcast rise up! good witch.