Tarotscopes for the August Full Moon

Tarotscopes for the August Full Moon
On the 25th and 26th depending on your time zone, we celebrate a Full Moon: time for harvesting, embodying, invoking, and making magic. Build an altar to the past to honor it all, then say goodbye. Or build an altar to the present you, to celebrate your tender resilience. This Full Moon, sometimes called the “Moon where all things ripen” by the Dakota Sioux, is the 9th Full Moon of this year. This Moon has also been called the “Blueberry Moon” (by the Ojibwe peoples) or the “Sturgeon Moon” (by Algonkian-speaking peoples in North America). This is a time of ripeness, of fruitfulness — what we decide to call in, and decide to focus on at this time will grow. We will also be able to see Mercury, Venus, and Jupiter in the northern hemisphere’s night sky—so get a comfortable spot to stargaze, and spend time drinking in the infinite cosmic energy of this Full Moon weekend.
Below are tarotscopes based off a one card pull for each sign. They are meant to be used for guidance and insight. Read for your sun, moon, and rising, or with what resonates.
Seven of Swords
Aries, it is time for you to take it back. Take back what is rightfully yours. Take back what is rightfully owed you. Give it back to yourself. Take it back for your past selves, your present selves, and your future selves. No one needs to get an angry email. You don’t need to waste your precious energy attempting to have a phone conversation with someone who can hear you but is not listening. This is for you and for your energy alone. Cut those cords. Focus on where you are going, not on how you’ve been wronged—or even the ways in which you’ve wronged yourself. Only you can choose to move on from unhealthy patterns of blame and shame. This is a Full Moon for counting all your blessings and gifts. All you have earned and all that is yours. This is a Full Moon for committing to yourself above all else and different ways of expressing your multitude of talents. Sit with yourself under a starry sky as you offer up your strengths to the universe. Then let the stars beam back tiny songs of courage and affirmation.
Taurus, this Full Moon could be bringing some downloads with it. Are you going to carve out time for you to catch them all as they rain down like little quicksilver lightning bolts? This summer has been quite transformative for you, to say the least. You’ve been edging closer and closer to forever leaving behind the societal pressures of who you are and what you should be. You’ve been embodying, more and more, the values that your soul has been articulating for you on much higher, more profound levels. You’ve been a true student of self-love, of transforming painful narratives into seeds of potential. At this time, listen to what is coming through. You are stepping into truer forms of expression. The more you find flow, the more magic you make. Reinvention might be the name of this Full Moon game. Make a list of pure potential positive outcomes for your life, and burn them as an offering to spirit under this Full Moon.
2 of Pentacles Reversed
Sparkling Gem, your cosmic homework is easy for this Full Moon time. Pick one thing. One. Focus on it. Shine it up, cast your particular magical glow upon it. You are continuing to go places, but before your rocket ship takes off at warp speed, you must do some refining and some revisiting on where exactly you’d like to go, and how exactly you’d like to be taken there. It is only natural that after all the energy you’ve expended this summer, you’ve got to pull back inside for a bit. For now, focus on only your piece of the pie. Light a candle for only one dream. You are in the process of reintroducing your magic back to yourself. Take an hour or a day this weekend reflecting your commitment back to this new version of you by making simple magic, just for you.
3 of Cups
At the end of the day, Cancer, so much of what you do is ultimately for others. The more your heart feels cared-for and vibrant, the more you are able to feel connected to the love that others send your way. This is a positively beautiful Full Moon weekend for allowing yourself to be seen. First, you must see yourself as you really are: like sparkling sea foam and perfectly faded summer sunset gradients. Make a list out of colors, out of seashells, out of the ways the tide crashes up on a beach. This is a wonderful Full Moon weekend for creating heart felt offerings that over time, will benefit the greater whole, by way of your own creative process. This Full Moon wants you to feel more ok with taking up space, with being seen, and with taking steps to let others show you how very loved you are. Manifest with your whole heart and see what begins to bubble up in your cup by October’s last harvest.
4 of Wands Reversed
Leo, congrats! In one or more areas of your life, you’ve secured the bag. Yet you aren’t quite letting yourself be content or celebratory in all the ways that you could be. Perhaps you haven’t let yourself believe your new reality is really real. Or perhaps you’ve given yourself ultimately what you need, but not quite what you want, so you are still in an adjustment period. I don’t often give such royal creatures such as yourself such mundane advice, but here goes— just this once. This Full Moon is about retreating into a safe cozy space. It is about settling in. Settling back into the new you, the new scenarios, the new urges that have been popping up inside of you that are a bit more introspective than you are used to. At this time, take a day, or more, to rearrange your space. Get rid of some items that no longer resonate with you. Focus on function over superficial appearances. Leave some open areas for you to begin to build out over the next month, areas that exist for you to be creative in different ways.
Page of Swords
You’ve got so many ideas swimming around in your head at this time, Virgo. Ground them. Make the most titillating ones tangible. There are so many opportunities, so many invitations swirling around you at this time. Honor the ones that will put you on a path that might feel a little tingly. In more than one aspect of your life, you are feeling the fresh breezes of change. You are seeing yourself with kinder eyes. You are refining your mindset into a more inhabitable place. Outside of right and wrong, inside of a place where you can continue to soar. At this Full Moon time, your words have extra weight. Write a poem of intention and share with the world. Plan on what new skillsets your magic will require of you. Spend at least 3 minutes a day meditating on how intriguing your life is becoming, now that you’ve committed to listening to your inner voice more.
King of Pentacles
Beautiful Libra, this is a Full Moon for naming and claiming your positively potent manifesting ability. The King of Pentacles is the master of the material realm, after all. This is an archetype to be used to conjure up your desires, to embody pleasure, and to let go of any shame you might have over wanting. The key word for you at this time, Libra, is sustainability. You may have started on a project, or started walking down a path, that over time, with work and dedication, with belief and faith, will offer you true abundance. Even if it isn’t here quite yet in the form you’ve been hoping, this is the time to keep moving forward in service of your desires. At this Full Moon, write what abundance looks like and feels like for you. Make an altar to abundance, however you define it. Abundance to take time off when you want. Abundance to help others, however they need it. An abundance of nature, an abundance of community, an abundance of cold hard cash and dark chocolate. Remember sweet Libra: abundance begins with acknowledging that you are more than enough, and that you deserve more than enough, because you’ve always been more than enough. Period.
9 of Wands
Scorpio! You got the second 9 of Wands in a row! Last month, at the July Full Moon, this card came up. So here you are, still in a creative zone of accomplishment. And yet, here you are, not fully allowing yourself to bask in all the glory of the last 9 months. Somethings got to give, sweet creature. How can you see the trees, instead of being stuck in the forest of never good enough? Allowing yourself to feel pleasure could be one way, at this Full Moon time. Giving small tasks big celebrations could be another. Getting out of your head, and into nature might be a great idea for you this Full Moon weekend. Extra extra credit could be being vulnerable, and confiding some of your fears to a friend. If that feels like too much, tell your secrets to the forest. Let the solid earth support your flames. Take a cue from nature: continue to grow only in ways that truly feel organic.
8 of Swords Reversed
Sag, you aren’t giving yourself enough credit. You are holding back in at least one area of your life. There is currently something inside of you that is waiting to be birthed. It may be a new aspect of self. It could be a project that has been a long time coming, one that exists in your mind, on post it notes, but that no one has seen yet. Part of you is procrastinating this birthing because subconsciously, you know that with this blooming, you will be irrevocably changed. For years, you’ve worked to get to where you are now—a sovereign soul plugged perfectly into oneself energetically. This is a hard-won state to be in, and it is one that feels fantastic. With this new offering, with this new project of you, with this new creative expression, your sixth sense can already tell that you will be changed, once it comes out into the world. And more change is scary, even for a courageous soul like you! This Full Moon would be a wonderful time to spend on this birthing. Build an altar to the new. Release your fear, lovingly. Remind yourself that nothing is ever lost. It is time for you to gain more, as you begin expressing an integral part of who you are to the universe.
The Empress Reversed
Capricorn, September through November is most likely going to feel like a huge harvest time for you. You are just before the precipice of a huge shift in your career and in all aspects of love. Can you feel it? Most likely, you are feeling something different in the air, even if you can’t quite wrap your fingers around it. Self-love, self-care, and self-consciousness could be all themes at this Full Moon time. Expecting others to be mind readers isn’t fair. Expecting the worst of others isn’t fair either. Give yourself, and others, more of a chance to grow into the new gardens you are continuing to tend. Seeds don’t flower overnight, and much of the work you are doing at this time most likely must be internal. Cast a Full Moon spell that ensures you will be strong enough to love yourself in all the ways you need to, as you go through one of the bigger shifts you are making this year. You are holding your own hand as you continue to realize that you don’t have to work as hard, and you don’t have to define yourself as much through solely work. At this Full Moon, turn the rewarding work of love back on you.
5 of Pentacles
Aquarius, the 5 of Pentacles is coming up now because you have been unpacking ideas around worth, value, and what you really need versus what you think you do. Sometimes the 5 of Pentacles pops up because it is time to ask for more help. At this Full Moon, do you need to be vulnerable? Do you need to ask others around you to reflect how valuable you truly are, apart from how productive you are? Your value does not lie only in how much you help others.This Full Moon wants you to stop separating yourself from your biggest dreams. At this Full Moon time, make a list of all your current dreams. Then, next to each one, list how you have separated yourself from them—even if on some level, you have already attained them. This is a Full Moon for shifting the aspects of yourself that are still carrying around a scarcity mindset. You are allowed to ask for what you want and need. Your magic is allowed to take up more space in your life.
The Tower
Pisces, it has just been one change after another, hasn’t it, this year? Some have been internal, some external. Some have been for the best, even if they feel painful at first. And here, at this Full Moon, we have one of the biggest harbingers of being broken open the Major Arcana has: The Tower. Be gentle with yourself as you lean into ultimately liberatory truths. They may feel uncomfortable. You must not stop just because initially it feels hard. You must speak your truth, and you must walk forward in your truth. Something is becoming more free, and that beautiful something is you, dear Pisces. Swimming away will not stop the dismantling process from happening. Look into the Full light of the Moon at this time, even if at first its reflection is blinding. There are messages there about who you really are. This is not the time to play small. This is the time to step forward into the truth: that you are divine, and that your foundations must support this fact. At this Full Moon time, begin building your vessels of support in service to who you are swiftly breaking open into becoming.
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