November 2022 Tarotscopes

November is a rebalance by way of illumination. The Lunar Eclipse at the start of the month shines a light on shadows that once seen, can no longer be ignored. It may feel easier to leave certain huge issues unaddressed, but in the long run, these will snowball and the remedies will be harder to find. It may feel indescribable and bigger than you; the third week of November will grant you more clarity. Change does not happen all at once; do what you can with what you’ve got. Some bridges need to be burned, others mended. Be clear you know the difference before getting out the lighter fluid. You may feel lonely through this process. That’s because you are becoming a different person: what you previously put up with because you wanted love or acceptance is no longer acceptable. Your self-perception could be all over the map now. How you want to see yourself and how you want to be, versus how you are behaving—or where you are falling short of expectations—becomes a conflict that could potentially keep you stuck. This influences loved ones, so be careful: some people won’t understand, and that’s ok. Conflict isn’t abuse, sweet one, and it certainly doesn’t have to pull you from your purpose. Be open to working it out with those you love. The brambles and boulders are temporary.
The theme for November is Turning.
— Excerpt from the 2022 Many Moons Lunar Planner. Pre-order the 2023 edition HERE!
This month’s Tarotscopes are written by Anthony Perrotta of AP Astrology. You can follow Anthony on Instagram by clicking here!
Tarotscopes for Turning Toward Yourself
The Moon
Like the Moon, you will go through phases this month — ebbing and flowing. There is a call to surrender, even if everything feels a bit unclear. This is Eclipse season, there is a craving for comfort — a shrouded veil feels thick and warm like an enveloping fog. It is here that the magic unfolds before your very eyes.
November asks for the mysteries of life to inspire you, for your intuition to take the helm and lead you into a place of imagining. The complexities of your inner realms can reveal secrets that come to the surface over the next few weeks. This is not about having a concrete answer, but wading through the liminality of eclipse season. Get comfortable in the unknown, the uncertainty. The extremes weigh heavily on you, but peace sits in between with an invitation to relinquish control. Surrender is a choice, not an obligation or sacrifice.
This month, make space for your spiritual practice. Give yourself room to cocoon and dream. Honor your highs and lows, how you wax and wane. With your ruler, Mars, going retrograde for the next few months, conserve your energy and resources.
Suggested spell ingredients: Lunar phase tracking, green moonstone, a soft blanket, scents of vetiver and sea salt, and a biweekly reminder to witness the Moon in the sky.
The 2023 Many Moons Lunar Planner is almost here! Pre-order yours!
Learn the art of Protection Magic with Sarah’s last workshop series of 2022.
Get some Eclipse-season aftercare with the November Energetic Tune-Up & Uplevel Session.
Sign up for the Winter Solstice Many Moons Seasonal Support Session.
The Tower
Eclipse season can always bring in sweeping changes, and with the axis on your sign and polarity, this could not be more true. As the ground shifts, you are called to recognize what you have been holding onto too tightly. The Mars retrograde wants you to pay attention to the resources you expend and receive. You may need to reallocate, release, or reevaluate.
The Tower suggests that you need to be open to new possibilities. The old way of doing something or approaching a situation is no longer helpful. Instead, this is an invitation to replace what is inefficient. Breakup with worn-out values and ideologies. If you have felt stuck, it may be time to branch out. Stagnation is the enemy of evolution. However, this need not be so harsh or even alone. Revolutionize your perspective by calling in community or support. Maybe the change is asking for the help you need and being open to receiving it.
The portals of the Eclipses may reveal truths or inspirations. There is a need to unchain and reevaluate a goal or ambition — possibly even a relationship. Give yourself permission to say when enough is enough.
Suggested spell ingredients: open windows, black tourmaline, dancing on the Taurus Eclipse, sweeping the corners of your home, tastes of spearmint, laughter, and laying in the grass.
The 2023 Many Moons Lunar Planner is almost here! Pre-order yours!
Learn the art of Protection Magic with Sarah’s last workshop series of 2022.
Get some Eclipse-season aftercare with the November Energetic Tune-Up & Uplevel Session.
Sign up for the Winter Solstice Many Moons Seasonal Support Session.
The Hermit
Your body craves you to get back in touch with it. The Hermit asks that you withdraw, but this month withdraw into your vessel. The lantern shines a light on ways to care for yourself and hold your flesh a little closer. Stretch your body and feed yourself something you love. Perhaps even go to bed early or sleep in a little later. The retrograde of Mars in your sign is much more about restoration than anything else.
You are your home, your sanctuary, your altar. There is a need to pause and treat yourself like the sacred space you are. Pay attention to where you have accumulated things that are/were not yours. It may be time to internally reorganize. Shine a light on the farthest reaches of your inner sanctum. Steps to decluttering start with you and how you treat yourself. Quite literally nourish your body.
Slow down. Touch your skin. Feel the earth beneath you. Drink water. Light a morning candle. Spend 5 minutes journaling at night. Steep yourself in the sensuality of the present moment.
Suggested spell ingredients: your favorite comfort food, a vessel for water, light touches, a sleep mask, linen sprays, the perfectly scented autumnal candle, and the smell of a new book.
The 2023 Many Moons Lunar Planner is almost here! Pre-order yours!
Learn the art of Protection Magic with Sarah’s last workshop series of 2022.
Get some Eclipse-season aftercare with the November Energetic Tune-Up & Uplevel Session.
Sign up for the Winter Solstice Many Moons Seasonal Support Session.
Queen of Wands
November has you breaking out of your shell a bit more. It is rare that you invite others into your space to see how confident and vivacious you really are. However, now you can really open up and showcase the self-assured softness you hold. Don’t let those that are threatened by your confidence diminish you.
Your sense of adventure is much higher now as the Eclipses highlight your creativity, spontaneity, and natural ability to adapt to the shifting landscape around you. The Queen calls you to see how you can lean into your pleasure and passion a bit more. What fuels you? What makes you feel alive? What brings you joy? It is ok to play and draw outside the lines a bit.
You are blossoming right now, even in ways you may not fully recognize. Your warmth is attractive and charming. Your nurturance is an ignition. You are radiant and a powerhouse of cosmic creation. Own your prowess and appreciate your genius. By uplifting yourself and moving toward what you love, you will then unexpectedly light the way for others.
Suggested spell ingredients: a childhood toy or game you love, the feeling of the sun on your face, tangerines, gold accents/jewelry, red pepper flakes, and Rise Magic Oil.
The 2023 Many Moons Lunar Planner is almost here! Pre-order yours!
Learn the art of Protection Magic with Sarah’s last workshop series of 2022.
Get some Eclipse-season aftercare with the November Energetic Tune-Up & Uplevel Session.
Sign up for the Winter Solstice Many Moons Seasonal Support Session.
Knight of Cups
Your grace, joy, and peace are not up for negotiation. The Knight of Cups welcomes an opportunity for you to re-enchant yourself with the world around you. This is about re-evaluating what you have told yourself you need to put up with in order to be happy. Perhaps the terms of those conditions are no longer applicable. The only mediation is that of your sacrifices and compromises at the expense of your personal peace.
November will require you to show yourself some forgiveness and release guilt. You can’t carry that burden with you anymore. Intuitively, you know how important it is for you to get back in touch with your softness. Vulnerability is a point of strength, and that should never be forgotten. Do not deceive yourself, instead, get intimate with yourself. Take time to listen to what you really need.
This month it may be helpful to move more intentionally. Lay groundwork for more playtime. Have important conversations with loved ones about your desires, hopes, needs, and dreams. Speak openly about what sits in your heart and share more intimately.
Suggested spell ingredients: seaweed, selenite, putting your feet in water, depicting shapes and forms in the clouds, rosehips, Protection Magic, and a quiet one-on-one night in with someone special.
The 2023 Many Moons Lunar Planner is almost here! Pre-order yours!
Learn the art of Protection Magic with Sarah’s last workshop series of 2022.
Get some Eclipse-season aftercare with the November Energetic Tune-Up & Uplevel Session.
Sign up for the Winter Solstice Many Moons Seasonal Support Session.
7 of Pentacles
Take a second and witness your progress. Look at how far you have come up to this moment. It is time to pull yourself out of the weeds and pay homage to your perseverance and the journey you have taken in the last year. Harvest your achievements and taste the honey you’ve worked for. Yes, there is still more you are working on, but it is ok to sit with your successes now.
Oftentimes, the 7 of Pentacles feels like an exhale. It is a moment to breathe. You have been holding things in and now you can give yourself that long sigh. Expel the air from your lungs. Invest in the present moment. Reacquaint yourself with the here and now. Tomorrow is only an illusion to the realities of today.
Reminiscing may be helpful for you, as you see the ways in which you have overcome so much to be where you are right now. Nothing is in vain. Take a moment to also see what is decaying in the face of your growth. Let it become the compost in your garden that feeds and nourishes you.
The best is yet to come.
Suggested spell ingredients: the perfect fallen leaf, orange candles to boost your energy, honey, breathing exercises, going to a botanical garden or greenspace, and hosting a potluck dinner.
The 2023 Many Moons Lunar Planner is almost here! Pre-order yours!
Learn the art of Protection Magic with Sarah’s last workshop series of 2022.
Get some Eclipse-season aftercare with the November Energetic Tune-Up & Uplevel Session.
Sign up for the Winter Solstice Many Moons Seasonal Support Session.
Queen of Cups
We have finished your season and are now in the midst of the next one. You are still processing what came about in the weeks prior, and it is ok to take that time to reflect. The Queen supports your visions of self-care and nurturance. You often need space to digest fully how you feel, so let this be an affirmation to do so.
In November, it is ok to keep some things close to your chest for now. It doesn’t mean it won’t be shared eventually, but right now is not that time. Create a separation for yourself and lean into your privacy a bit more. You are often the rock for others, but you need not always carry that weight. Create more space to sit with yourself. Do not avoid or evade the quiet moments.
Your dreams may be a bit more vivid right now than normal, especially with the eclipse portals open. Nurture your sleep schedule more and keep a dream journal close to you. Magic is being revealed. The Balsamic and New Moon phases will feel a bit more potent this month for you as you sit at the threshold of rest and resurgence.
Suggested spell ingredients: softening your gaze, mugwort, scents of lavender, chamomile tea, labradorite, Moon water on your altar, and lilies.
The 2023 Many Moons Lunar Planner is almost here! Pre-order yours!
Learn the art of Protection Magic with Sarah’s last workshop series of 2022.
Get some Eclipse-season aftercare with the November Energetic Tune-Up & Uplevel Session.
Sign up for the Winter Solstice Many Moons Seasonal Support Session.
Page of Swords
November has you wide awake! You are more alert, agile, and curious. There is something in the air that has you seeking flexibility and being more malleable in nature — changeable as the winds themselves. One can say it is the Eclipses, but it also feels like your natural ability to shed and transform.
Words will not escape you now as you are swirling with a need to share, speak, and learn. However, beware of overstimulation. Listen to your nervous system and how your body responds to new information that may arise during this month. Actually, listening will be a key ingredient for you. Even in your excitement and sharpness, you will need to digest what you absorb.
The Page will invite you to see things a bit differently, as well. The power of flexibility is understanding a fresh perspective. However, what are you integrating from said perspective? Learn, adapt, dissolve, process — but find what you want to incorporate into your life. No matter what, there is a newness that cannot be ignored.
Suggested spell ingredients: coffee grounds, writing letters to your future self, walking in a bookstore, doodling in the margins, catching up with a friend, and a fresh new planner.
The 2023 Many Moons Lunar Planner is almost here! Pre-order yours!
Learn the art of Protection Magic with Sarah’s last workshop series of 2022.
Get some Eclipse-season aftercare with the November Energetic Tune-Up & Uplevel Session.
Sign up for the Winter Solstice Many Moons Seasonal Support Session.
6 of Cups
You are making a journey home — maybe literally or figuratively. Whatever it is, your ancestors and guides are welcoming you back with open arms. Your arrival speaks to a time for you to reminisce and live in your memories — but not be trapped by them. The past is the past for a reason, but sometimes it is nice to just see how things once were.
It is important, however, to remember that our past informs our present which creates our future. Although you are not who you once were, you can glean information from previous experiences to help you in the present moment. You can see how you may have handled something before and recognize if that is required now or should change. Outcomes are always different.
You may also be looking for a bit of comfort. There is a call to surround yourself with those that bring brightness into your life — sharing some sacred moments with them. It may be wise to break bread with people you care about and go through old journals, photo albums, and yearbooks. Reconnect with someone you have not chatted with in a while.
Suggested spell ingredients: photos of loved ones, ancestral items, rose quartz, plush socks, sitting with your animal friends/familiars, buying flowers for your home, and watching your favorite movie.
The 2023 Many Moons Lunar Planner is almost here! Pre-order yours!
Learn the art of Protection Magic with Sarah’s last workshop series of 2022.
Get some Eclipse-season aftercare with the November Energetic Tune-Up & Uplevel Session.
Sign up for the Winter Solstice Many Moons Seasonal Support Session.
The Chariot
There’s victory in the process. The Chariot asks that you see every small step as a win, even in the face of your own self-doubt. Success isn’t a destination or something to attain. It is as simple as stretching your limbs or leaving something unfinished for the time being.
The focus you may have had in one area is no longer serving you. It is time to reframe. Balance is often something that comes to mind when the Chariot pops up. Where are you restoring balance in your life? Consider how the restoration of said balance is a victory to celebrate as well. This is not about throwing yourself into extremes but redistributing the resources you have and reallocating where they may be more helpful for you. The bold act of choosing to recalibrate is a testament to your self-discipline.
Themes of control may come about in November, but not necessarily with others. Perhaps it is ok to relinquish some control over yourself and take some detours along the way. Part of being active in the process of something is giving it space to be a little messy and unorganized.
Suggested spell ingredients: ginger, carnelian, taking the long way home, bike rides (if possible), finishing only half a puzzle, butternut squash soup, and colored pencils.
The 2023 Many Moons Lunar Planner is almost here! Pre-order yours!
Learn the art of Protection Magic with Sarah’s last workshop series of 2022.
Get some Eclipse-season aftercare with the November Energetic Tune-Up & Uplevel Session.
Sign up for the Winter Solstice Many Moons Seasonal Support Session.
6 of Swords
November brings a chosen departure. This may be from a situation, a person, or even in how you have been doing something. Whatever it is, you are ready to just walk away and leave it be. This is a time of transition and moving toward a new hope. The weapons are put down and now there can be space for relief after a conflict. It isn’t that you still aren’t grieving or healing, but that you know at some point you can’t stay where you are forever.
There is a feeling that not everything is resolved but you are making peace with things as they are and internally reconciling. Remember, conflict resolution is rarely external. A shift in perspective is likely. One of the best things you can give yourself right now is distance.
As a Fixed sign, you are feeling the Eclipse season a bit more potently than Cardinal and Mutable signs. However, you also see that new horizons are ahead of you. This month, you may be able to start something anew, even if it feels small initially.
Suggested spell ingredients: a skeleton key, a daily affirmation that gives you hope, cinnamon and nutmeg, seasonal support, carnations, and drawing a butterfly.
The 2023 Many Moons Lunar Planner is almost here! Pre-order yours!
Learn the art of Protection Magic with Sarah’s last workshop series of 2022.
Get some Eclipse-season aftercare with the November Energetic Tune-Up & Uplevel Session.
Sign up for the Winter Solstice Many Moons Seasonal Support Session.
8 of Pentacles
People often do not see the perfectionism and high standards you have. However, it is very present and quite real. The 8 of Pentacles points to letting loose a bit more. You may be putting too much pressure on yourself. You can commit and dedicate without pouring every last piece of yourself into something or someone. Make room for some play and adventure.
You are talented and skilled. You don’t need to prove that. So do not bite off more than you can chew. Be realistic with your personal expectations. Reinvest in quality time for yourself and refocus your attention on providing yourself with more ease. Be of service to you and nourish what makes you feel more whole. It is productive to be unproductive.
Additionally, it may be time to redistribute tasks that you take on and ask for help and support. There is no need to overwhelm yourself when others can aid! You are often quick to lend a helping hand, so why not receive one in return? Release the burdens and responsibilities. Lighten the load. Treat yourself.
Suggested spell ingredients: peach moonstone, leaving one “task” unfinished, a comfy sweater, having dessert before dinner, asking yourself what you need, morning meditations, pistachios, and pine needles.
Anthony Perrotta is an Astrologer, Artist, Poet, Designer & Curator. His focus is on integrating astrology into everyday life, where the abstract feels tangible. He has a background in Fashion and Interior Design and has spent years bridging the gap between his passions. He has studied and practiced astrology for over 15 years, and because astrology is at the heart of everything he does, he has created intersections of art, design, and poetry with astrology. He resides in Rhode Island with his partner, his cat, and his rabbit. Visit Anthony’s website at, Instagram @ap_astrology, Twitter @ap_astrology, and Patreon at
- Tags: Tarotscopes