The Journal

Thoughts, downloads, dialogues, & discussions on nature, intuition, cycles, creativity, and transformation.

Interview with Erin Telford

As I finish up with designing the Many Moons Workbook 2017 : Vol 1, I want to take the time to highlight the inspiring contributors to this project. It is a major honor to ask people...

Interview With Jess Schreibstein

As I finish up with designing the Many Moons Workbook Vol 1, I want to take the time to highlight the inspiring contributors to this project. It is a major honor to ask people you admire...

Interview With Marcella Kroll

As I finish up with designing the Many Moons Workbook Vol 1, I want to take the time to highlight the inspiring contributors to this project. It is a major honor to ask people you...

Interview With Diego Basdeo

Over the coming weeks I will be interviewing the brilliant contributors that help make the  Many Moons Workbook way better than it would be without them. These are all people who have inspired me in...

October New Moon Pull

Hello and welcome to our upcoming New Moon! New Moon PullFor the New Moon on October 31st, 2017 This New Moon comes in on this Monday, on the last day of this month, on Halloween,...

October Full Moon

Hello voyagers! Welcome to our Full Moon Weekend!On Saturday we will experience the only Full Moon in October, our 10th month. One of my very favorite months of the whole year! I love pumpkins, thinking...

5 Things I Know About Intuition

5 things I know about Intuition  About a year ago I got the best ever backhanded compliment regarding my skill as a Tarot reader. It was at a store’s celebration party and I was reading...

New Moon Tarotscopes

Hello! Once a month I'll be doing a New Moon Tarot Spread for the site the Radder.Here's the first one, for this time period. Welcome to the second New Moon of September, 2016! Using the...

September's Second New Moon

Happy Second New Moon of September!Our second new moon of the month takes place THIS Friday, September 30th. THIS Friday and this weekend is a wonderful time for resetting and taking stock of where you...