The Journal

Thoughts, downloads, dialogues, & discussions on nature, intuition, cycles, creativity, and transformation.

Spell Ideas For The New Moon

The New Moon lunar phase is a generative time for planting seeds, going inward, changing your mind, and making magic. Give yourself space to dream with rituals and spell work try these New Moon spells and...

Autumnal Equinox Blessing

The Autumnal Equinox is a time of harvest, reflection, and celebration. Take stock of all you've achieved so far and all that you're ready to grow into. Celebrate the Fall Equinox with a blessing by...

10 Lessons About Business, Creativity & Magic

It is possible to live a creative, value-led business that is profitable: I've been doing so for over a decade.You—and all magical folx—are an artist and it's time to live in that truth. Learn my 10 lessons...

How To Spot A Spiritual Scammer

How can you spot a spiritual scammer? What do the practitioners whose offerings are created in integrity do differently? Sarah Faith Gottesdiener's behind-the-scenes perspective into the world of all things New Age, spiritual, witchy, and occult will help you find...

Money Magic

Money magic is probably the most popular form of magic out there. Real witches know that you don’t need ingredients to create effective magic: you just need some discipline and a willingness to try. Read more...

Witch 101: Protection Online Workshop

Join Sarah for an online workshop about protection magic! Sarah will be going over techniques one can use immediately, as well as different types of spells that one can do to create magical, practical, and...

Moonbeaming 2020 Online Course

The Moonbeaming Online Course returns for 2020! This March to April online course from Sarah Faith Gottesdiener aims to enhance your personal magical practice, and specifically introduce and immerse you into living with the cycles...

Some Ways to Navigate Change

We all know that life is changing all around us, yet it is one of the things we fear the most. Landing on some real ways to deal with and navigate change in a quickly...

Make Magic Every Day

Magic is Every Day: Every Day is Magic "Put your heart, mind, intellect and soul even to your smallest acts. This is the secret of success." —Swami Sivananda This Wednesday, our Moon rises First Quarter in...